Coffee review

The foaming amount of other milk coffee fusion-related milk bubbles Italian blend coffee Italian flavor concentrate

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, The amount of foam: according to the shape of the cup, wide or narrow mouth, and depth, to determine the amount of foam. Why not depend on the type of milk coffee (latte or Cabo). For example, if you also use an ultra-wide caliber bowl and an ultra-small caliber cup to make a cup of Cabo, the amount of foaming milk you need must be larger than the latter, so you can test it. So here's the point.

Foaming amount of milk foam:

According to the shape of the cup, wide or narrow mouth, and depth, to determine the amount of foaming. Why not depend on the type of milk coffee (latte or Cabo). For example, if you also use an ultra-wide caliber bowl and an ultra-small caliber cup to make a cup of Cabo, the amount of foaming milk you need must be larger than the latter, so you can test it. So the point is, in the flower pull, even if your foaming amount is fixed, we can adjust the thickness of the milk bubbles on the outermost surface of the cup body through the fusion height, and adjust the uniformity of the foam and coffee below the surface.

four。 Other milk cafes are related to fusion:

There are many methods of fusion, so let's study the effect of the amount of thick and fine injected in the flower drawing process on the final milk coffee. High fusion, piercing the grease surface, thickening or thinning the fused water column will affect the surface grease. If the fixed-point center is injected into the fusion, the final surface grease layer will be retained more intact, if a large number of fusion, accompanied by a large number of milk columns, you will mix more oil into the liquid. In this way, you can use different fusion techniques to make milk curry with different flavor and taste. In addition, the application point of the fusion water column will have different effects on the surface and inside. If you sell it, you can test it yourself.

Some cases:

When the foam foaming amount is not high, high fusion, encounter medium-baked tilapia beans (thick fat) beans, no matter how you pull flowers or not, the final difference in the flavor of milk coffee will not be more than 10%. Because the grease has strong fluidity, strong diffusivity, and the grease is not thick, you will find that it is easy to blend cleanly and evenly, and finally the coffee is made with a mouthful of "wordy" to go up gently. If you encounter some deep-baked beans, want to make the taste mild, then we can take: turn the circle as much as possible, bring some of the oil into or rush into the bottom, so that the last milk coffee performance is less intense, the overall taste is more uniform. The remaining 20% of the remaining 30% of the drawing space in the cup, you can float any pattern you want.


Control fusion, control foam state, choose a good cup shape, make a good proportion, and make a cup of milk coffee that you like.