Coffee review

Beijing Cafe individual Coffee Cake home-made simple Taste

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, At present, the coffee beans of hand-brewed coffee, such as Kenya Yega Snow Coffee, Ethiopia Conka, Guatemala Antigua and so on, are priced between 40 and 150 yuan, and the newly launched avocado milkshake (45 yuan) is also amazing on the rich taste. The desserts, whether they are popular apple tarts or strawberry pies, are animal cream, though they do not have the exquisite style of French desserts.

At present, the coffee beans of hand-brewed coffee, such as Kenya Yega Snow Coffee, Ethiopia Conka, Guatemala Antigua and so on, are priced between 40 and 150 yuan, and the newly launched avocado milkshake (45 yuan) is also amazing on the rich taste. The desserts paired with, whether they are popular apple tarts or strawberry pies, do not have the exquisite style of French desserts, but they are all made of animal cream with the simplicity of home-made flavor.

The manager believes that as a cafe, having good coffee is the basic condition and is not worth showing off, but the overall fullness as a space needs to be pursued. Therefore, C5 did not destroy the sense of misplacement of the original pure white courtyard. The glass roof was sprinkled with skylight, with fallen leaves in front of the door and a small pond behind it, which connected properly with nature. Now, the activities from the floral salon to the traditional Chinese handicraft salon also make it rhyme to the end.

In the West five Art Center, Block F, No. 5 West Fifth Street, Sanlitun, Chaoyang District (5844 3705), the per capita consumption is 55 yuan.