Coffee review

Smooth taste of Panamanian Coffee Manor Flavor introduction to Cajun Louis Manor

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The beans were baked until near the second explosion, fell into the cooling plate, and several bursts were heard sporadically. After three days, the bean taste is very good, after the entrance, the tongue can feel slightly sour, but very harmonious with the whole, do not deliberately feel, will not realize that the whole with lemon aroma, smooth taste, mellow in the mouth is better, there is a feeling of hot cocoa, but

The beans were baked until near the second explosion, fell into the cooling plate, and several bursts were heard sporadically. After three days, the bean taste is very good, after the entrance, both sides of the tongue can feel a slight sour, but very harmonious with the whole, do not deliberately feel, will not realize that the whole with lemon aroma, smooth taste, mellow in the mouth is better, there is a feeling of hot cocoa, but the deficiency is that the persistence of the rhyme is slightly worse. Generally speaking, I think this bean is very worthy of the title of classico, regardless of its cleanliness, sweetness and overall taste, it is worth a try that the raw bean is not overtreated and sacrifices its appearance, but it can retain the flavor of the place of origin as much as possible. The defect rate of beans is relatively low, although it is a mixture of raw beans, but it is still very uniform and will not challenge the roasting of Pokuit classic coffee beans:

Local basic climate: rainy season May-December, dry season January-April

Soil characteristics: volcanic rock soil

Raw bean treatment: full washing, sun drying or machine drying

Raw bean level: SHB very hard beans

Coffee varieties: iron pickup, Kaddura, Kaduai, bourbon

Harvest and export time: October-December harvest, November-May export

Cup test features: outstanding sweetness, smooth taste, with aromas of lemon and milk chocolate, with nutty flavors such as walnuts in the back.

(the above information is from importer and exporter Royal Coffee) the town of Boquete in Chiriqui is located near the border between Panama and Costa Rica, near the Baru volcano, with rugged scenery and fertile soil, and the climate and soil are very suitable for producing quality coffee. The Casa Ruiz.S.A Cooperative was founded in 1979 by Mr. and Mrs. Ruiz-Arauz.

This Pokuit classic is made from several different varieties of beans, including 40% iron pickup, 30% Kaddura, 20% Kaduai, 10% Bourbon. Panama is also a Central American country. Many people who like coffee know Panama because of the name of Esmeralda Geisha in Panama. Panama is also a Central American country that produces high-quality coffee, Costa Rica to the west and Colombia to the east. They are all among the biggest stars in the coffee-producing countries. This time, I would like to introduce to you the boquete classico from the Casa Ruiz.S.A Cooperative in the town of Boquete, the province of Chiriqui, Panama.