Coffee review

How to buy the coffee maker you need

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, To buy a coffee machine, you should do market research, collect extensive information or consult a professional coffee dealer or company to determine the type of coffee machine you need.

At present, China's coffee machine market is still in a disorderly stage, and the market competition is very fierce. some foreign manufacturers have crammed foreign outdated models with unsalable technology into the Chinese market, and some domestic unscrupulous businessmen use household machines as commercial machines. confuse semi-automatic and fully automatic machines to reap exorbitant profits and harm users. Some users spend a lot of money to buy either low-end cheap products or just a pile of industrial waste.

To buy a coffee machine, do market research, collect extensive data or consult a professional coffee dealer or company to determine the type of coffee maker you need: the next step is to choose a qualified supplier. Professional coffee machine suppliers not only have rich experience, can provide you with a variety of reference, help and the most reasonable price, but also have a good after-sales service system and adequate and timely supply of spare parts. Coffee machine: the principle of single boiler heat exchanger

Since luigibezzera launched the first commercial coffee machine with vapor pressure in 1901, whether it is pavonigaggia

Or other machines that use steam or pistons as pressure have only one boiler: hot water for brewing coffee at the bottom and steam at the top, but in order to produce steam, the whole boiler must be heated to boiling, causing hot water near the boiling point to burn the coffee powder, losing the aromatic oil hidden in the coffee powder, and extracting doubly bitter coffee.

Because the water for brewing coffee is heated in a large boiler, the water will not be fresh if it is placed in the boiler for too long, and the temperature difference of hot water will increase due to the use of steam, because the different amount of steam also increases the temperature difference of hot water for brewing coffee.

In order to improve the temperature difference, ernestovalente in 1960, in the world's first pump as a pressure