Coffee review

Analysis of the usage of Coffee Machine

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The use of coffee machines depends on specific machines. Different coffee machines are used differently. Today, with my experience in the coffee machine industry in the past few years, I will share with you the use of various types of coffee machines.

one。 Usage of automatic coffee machine

The use method of the fully automatic coffee machine is the most convenient and quick to use in the coffee machine, and its design and structure is also very simple. When making coffee, first connect the plug of the coffee machine to the power supply, then add the coffee beans to the bean trough and prepare a cup for coffee to be placed in the outlet. When these tasks are ready, Press the button to make coffee and wait ten seconds for a cup of fragrant coffee to be ready. After the coffee is made, the coffee machine will start the cleaning function automatically when you press the cleaning button.


two。 Usage of semi-automatic coffee machine

Compared with the fully automatic coffee machine, the operation of the semi-automatic coffee machine is a bit tedious, and there are certain technical requirements for coffee makers. In general, professional coffee shops or coffee bars are used more often. The method of making coffee is to first use a bean grinder to grind the coffee beans into powder, and then put the coffee powder into the filter handle, the amount of which is 2pm / 3 of the filter handle slot. After loading the powder, let the coffee powder be paved and gently pressed with a powder press if the coffee powder is not yet paved, you can achieve the effect by tapping a few times on one end of the filter handle or by hand.

After the coffee powder is pressed, install the filter handle into the middle outlet tank of the coffee machine, then put a cup of coffee in the outlet, choose the coffee cup according to your personal needs and press the button to make a cup of strong coffee. After the coffee is made, you have to clean the used utensils and put them back in the same place. if you don't know how to clean the coffee machine, you can hire a professional coffee maker company, and if you are still in the warranty period, you can go directly to the supplier.


Coffee machine usage-the author uses the fully automatic coffee machine and the semi-automatic coffee machine to explain the coffee mechanism to make coffee, hoping to help the majority of users or friends who come into contact with coffee for the first time.