Coffee review

What kind of coffee machine is more suitable for home use?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, What kind of coffee machine is more suitable for home use, from the perspective of mass families and economic affordability, the author still recommends that you choose a coffee machine with low cost performance and practicality, such as a full-automatic coffee machine with less than 3,000 brands, or a mocha pot, siphon pot, French press pot, etc. recommended by the author above.

What kind of coffee maker is more suitable for home use? The author thinks that it depends on their own economic level, and those with better economic conditions can choose high-grade Italian automatic coffee machines, such as Delong, Yuri, Swiss brands, etc., whose price is more than 5,000 or more than 30,000. it is also very convenient to use and the taste of the coffee is balanced. However, for public families, its performance-to-price ratio is still on the high side. Here, the author recommends that ordinary families use French press pots, mocha pots or siphon pots, which are relatively simple in the process of making coffee, and the price is moderately less than 5000.

Among them, the siphon pot is more suitable for brewing individual coffee and has high appreciation, so it is very suitable for friends to enjoy the process of brewing coffee together. On the other hand, the French press pot is easier and more affordable to make coffee, and the operation of the mocha pot is a little more complicated among the three recommended above. As for the semi-automatic coffee machine is not suitable for families, it is not only cost-effective, but also requires professional baristas or professional training in order to use it to produce high-quality coffee, which increases the cost invisibly. If individual families especially like coffee and have professional technology and certain economic ability, it can be considered.

What kind of coffee machine is more suitable for household use? from the point of view of the public family and economic affordability, the author still suggests that we should choose a coffee machine with low cost and practicality, such as the fully automatic coffee machine of less than 3000 in the Xike brand category, or as recommended by the author above, mocha pot, siphon pot, French press pot and so on.