Coffee review

An introduction to the description of the characteristics and Flavor of Coffee Variety producing areas in Yega Ficher Manor, Ethiopia

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, In July 1991, EGF hosted a national conference with the participation of more than 20 political and ethnic organizations. The meeting adopted the Transitional Charter and elected an 87-member House of Representatives, with EGF Chairman Meles Zenawi as President of the Transitional Government and President of the House of Representatives. A transitional government was established. On May 24, 1993, Eritrea (formerly the province of Eritrea, Ethiopia) adopted

In July 1991, EGF hosted a national conference with the participation of more than 20 political and ethnic organizations. The meeting adopted the Transitional Charter and elected an 87-member House of Representatives, with EGF Chairman Meles Zenawi as President and President of the Transitional Government. A transitional government was established. On 24 May 1993, Eritrea (formerly Eritrea Province of Ethiopia) became a sovereign State through a referendum under the supervision of the international community. [3]

The period of the federal government

In December 1994, the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia was formulated. According to the Constitution, Ethiopia will implement a federal system and a parliamentary cabinet system after the general election for a term of five years. After the national election in May 1995, the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia was established on August 22, and Meles became prime minister in her capacity as chairman of the majority party of the people's House of Representatives. On May 14, 2000, Ethiopia held a national election, and EGF defeated other opposition parties by an absolute majority to stay in power. In October, the new federal parliament and government were established, and the speakers of both houses and Prime Minister Meles were re-elected, and the original cabinet also remained in office with the approval of the parliament. In October 2001, May adjusted the government structure and reshuffled the cabinet, adding the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture and the Ministry of Taxation, and set up a new cabinet composed of 18 ministers.

Ethiopia's geographical environment is very suitable for coffee growth. Coffee is mainly grown in the southern highlands between 1100 and 2300 meters above sea level. The main coffee producing areas are Harar, Limu, Djimma, Sidamo, Kaffa, Yergacheffe and Wellega. The soil in these areas is well drained, slightly acidic and red loose.

Ethiopian coffee is harvested once a year. The beautiful white coffee flowers bloom from March to April, and then the fruit begins to grow. From September to December, the red coffee fruit is ripe for picking. The new season of coffee begins to be exported from November to December.

At present, about 25% of the Ethiopian population directly or indirectly depends on coffee production for a living. The majority of farmers use traditional planting methods. Artificial care of coffee trees, the use of organic fertilizers, do not use harmful pesticides and herbicides, etc. Therefore, most of the coffee produced by Ethiopia is organic coffee.

60% of the coffee belongs to forest-semi-forest coffee. In such a wild coffee forest, pesticides are not used at all, but biological methods are used to control pests.

35% of the coffee is courtyard coffee. In this kind of coffee garden, the planting is three-dimensional. Coffee is located in the lower layer and gets a suitable growth environment in the shade of other crops. Fertilizers are mainly fallen leaves, withered grass and animal manure.

5% of the coffee belongs to plantation coffee. This is a modern way of growing. Coffee is also grown in a forest, but new varieties are used and planted in rows with other shade trees.

Due to different processing methods, coffee can be divided into washed coffee (Washed coffee) and sun-cured coffee (Sun-dried coffee).

Washed coffee accounts for 35% of exports. Good quality washed coffee is processed with freshly picked fully ripe fruit, picked carefully and closely monitored by professionals. The picked clean coffee beans are pulped on the day of picking, then fermented, washed, dried and peeled. The humidity of processed coffee beans is kept at about 12%.

Grading and quality control system of coffee

In Ethiopia, the grading and quality control system of coffee is divided into three levels: producer, regional and national. All coffee is inspected by local inspection agencies before leaving the country of origin, and then re-tested at the coffee inspection and grading centers in Addis and Diredawa to determine its quality grade. Coffee is graded before auction and sale and is important for all groups involved in production, acquisition, export and consumption. Before export, coffee must also be sent to a national quality control agency for inspection to confirm that the origin and color meet the export standards to ensure the reputation of Ethiopian coffee.