Coffee review

Marketing observation on the Operation of Coffee Shop

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The evolution of coffee into a culture will either become a fashion or a classic, whichever will keep the pockets of coffee operators bulging. The news I have just read is a special article in the Financial Times about the ongoing reorientation of Nestl é by Nestl é CEO Peter Brabeck. The core business figure who has been in office for nine years is in office.

The evolution of coffee into a culture will either become a fashion or a classic, whichever will keep the pockets of coffee operators bulging.

The news I have just read is a special article in the Financial Times about the ongoing reorientation of Nestl é by Nestl é CEO Peter Brabeck. The core business figure, who has been in office for nine years, has been engaged in business integration, trying to broaden the profit direction and cut back on traditional mainstream businesses that are not profitable. The latest direction is to increase the share of the nutrition business in the company's business, including the acquisition of a weight-loss food company in the United States, the establishment of a nutrition society in Germany and a family nutrition service program in France.

These relatively new directions are changing our understanding of Nestle. Just as we only know Nestle coffee many years ago, we have learned about Nestle milk powder in recent years, and then often drink Nestle drinks, eat ice cream, and so on, and in the future, maybe we should learn about the overall nutritional balance of family members from Nestle and buy low-calorie foods.

But Peter Brabeck is also well aware that no matter what happens in his main business, his ultimate focus will be on consumers. "he will build a customer database first," which is his ultimate focus, just as many companies are working on, similar to Starbucks Coffee.

There is news that Starbucks Coffee will open 40,000 stores around the world. The Seattle-based coffee brand is actively infiltrating our lives. I saw its storefront many times in two hours and therefore consumed three cups of mocha coffee.

Downstairs, since the opening of a Starbucks coffee with an area of 300 square meters at the end of September, many people have been enjoying a seemingly leisurely life with a cup of coffee every day, day or night.

Of course, the development direction of such a coffee brand will not be limited to selling coffee. The direction of his efforts is to provide consumers with more experience and make the coffee shop a part of popular culture. Previous news has revealed that after Starbucks has gained a firm foothold in the global coffee consumption market, it has turned its attention to the entertainment market, which is dominated by cultural goods, and intends to take advantage of Starbucks' distinct image. Enter the film, music and book markets to create a global consumer empire comparable to McDonald's.

On Oct. 5, a Starbucks spokesman announced that it would work with Apple computer to sell Starbucks-branded music through the iTunes online music store, and expected to have 14000 strongholds around the world by the end of the fiscal year in autumn 2007. Starbucks and Apple work together mainly by setting up a store in iTunes that sells Starbucks-branded music. And provide Hear Music's CD and other customized albums on the website.

Starbucks Entertainment, founded two years ago, now has 100 employees, moved its office to Santa Monica, Calif., and hired William Morris, a well-known broker, to help put the Starbucks brand into movies, music and books through marketing programs. In this attempt, Starbucks shared the honor of winning eight Grammy Awards by sponsoring the album "True Friends" of Ray Charles, a famous blind black singer, in 2004. Starbucks sold 835000 CD in stores that year, accounting for about 25% of total sales, and CD sales increased to 3.5 million in 2005. Such sales performance is naturally very impressive and full of temptation.

Behind all these efforts, as Starbucks Chairman Schutz said: to be part of popular culture, even we are surprised that our customers allow us to extend this experience.

This is what they are concerned about, whether the customer accepts it or not, as long as the customer accepts it, then he will move in this direction.

The evolution of coffee into a culture will either become a fashion or a classic, whichever will keep the pockets of coffee operators bulging.

Under this trend, action star Jackie Chan also jumped into the coffee industry.

Jackie Chan Java Coffee Company, founded by brother Jackie Chan, has recently won cooperation from American companies, which is expected to accelerate Jackie Chan's expansion into the Asian market. Sources say that Jackie Chan Java already has seven stores in Chinese mainland, has also signed a contract with Filipino operators to expand its coffee chain, and now has the cooperation of Pennsylvania coffee maker Home-town Coffee Company in the United States to jointly promote Jackie Chan Java Coffee business in Asian countries.

Thomas Kazas, president of Hometown, said Hometown will be responsible for supplying coffee beans and providing retail brand services. "the cafe will show the tone of the rendezvous of East and West, coupled with Jackie Chan design. But will not follow the style of Hollywood Planet Restaurant (Planet Hollywood), but will create a high-end and comfortable lifestyle.

Jackie Chan still does not emphasize that he sells coffee and, like many coffees, regards himself as a way of life.

This may be the mainstream idea of the coffee market, as a popular slogan said n years ago, I am not in the Blue Mountain, I am on my way to the Blue Mountain.

And I, because of Starbucks, maybe I should think about this mantra: I'm not at Starbucks, I'm upstairs at Starbucks.