Coffee review

A coffee machine that can predict the weather

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Not only can this coffee machine make a strong cup of coffee, but it also displays the latest weather information on MSN's FM sub-carrier network, and there is no subscription. (no payment, just put it where there is a radio signal.) Unfortunately, this feature is only available in the United States. The coffee machine was manufactured by the American company Melitta in 2006.

Not only can this coffee machine make a strong cup of coffee, but it also displays the latest weather information on MSN's FM sub-carrier network, and there is no subscription. (no payment, just put it where there is a radio signal.) Unfortunately, this feature is only available in the United States. The coffee machine was manufactured by the American company Melitta in 2006.