Coffee review

Decision on the Best Container of Coffee and Water-- revamping MOKA Coffee Pot

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, This kind of MOKA pot, the whole metal is not afraid to be thrown away, and you can choose to use electricity and fire. the taste of the coffee is much stronger than the French filter coffee pot, and it is more hot than the drip coffee in Vietnam. The most important thing is that the best amount of coffee and water has long been determined by the container, and anyone can make authentic espresso.

This kind of MOKA pot, the whole metal is not afraid to be thrown away, and you can choose to use electricity and fire. the taste of the coffee is much stronger than the French filter coffee pot, and it is more hot than the drip coffee in Vietnam. The most important thing is that the best amount of coffee and water has long been determined by the container, and anyone can make authentic espresso.