Coffee review

Introduction to the apparatus for the proportion of water and powder

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Preparation of cup measuring instruments: 1) 8 porcelain cups or glasses of equal volume: theoretically, the content of the cup accumulates between 5 and 7 ounces. The Rocks-style glasses perform quite well. 2) kettle: or hot kettle. The minimum capacity of the kettle should be 64 ounces. 3) Bean grinder: the coarse scale grinder has an obvious advantage here because it keeps different coffees in the same way.

Preparation of instruments for cup testing:

1) 8 porcelain cups or glasses of equal volume: theoretically, the content of the cup accumulates between 5 and 7 ounces. The "Rocks" style glasses perform quite well.

2) kettle: or hot kettle. The minimum capacity of the kettle should be 64 ounces.

3) Bean grinder: the coarse scale grinder has an obvious advantage here, because it is very important for different coffees to maintain the same grinding fineness. 4) 2 pints of glass container: the water in the container is used to clean the cup spoon during the cup test.

5) 4 cup spoons: the more depressions in the spoon part, the better.

6) accurate pound weighing: in order to accurately measure the weight of coffee. Or a certain amount of measuring spoon is fine.

7) Cup test table: it is not necessary to do a cup test at home, but the cup test table will be more perfect and more concise to help you evaluate coffee. When you discuss coffee with your cup tester, the cup test table provides you with a way to bring back the discussion notes.

8) 4 empty coffee mugs: the cup test involves a lot of loud slurping, tongue tutting, and even sloshing,slurping,spitting.

9) clear and focused thinking: this is very important.

10) sample plates: these plates are used to hold sample beans from each type of coffee after baking, and the other plate is used to hold unbaked raw beans.


The aroma consists of two parts, dry incense and wet incense. After grinding the beans, the first image and the first item to be scored is the dry fragrance, the aroma of coffee flowers, roasted hazelnuts and roasted almonds are all pleasant aromas. Water injection, the broken shell of the wet fragrance gives people more fantasy, honey, lemon, apricot fruit make people salivating.

Sip flavor

Flavor is the first item to be perceived and scored when the coffee liquid drops to 71 ℃ and starts sipping, including various flavors and the sense of smell behind the nose; cup testers can include the tastes they feel in the scoring items, including the various flavors measured or drunk. It can be said that sipping flavor is a very important scoring item, and it is also a basis for testing the characteristics of a cup of coffee sample. The more the better, the higher the score.

Yu Yun

If all kinds of taste or aroma or touch still stay in the mouth after sipping, and the good flavor stays for a long time, such as sweetness, it still stays clearly in the mouth or even spreads after sipping and spitting coffee, then the score of this item will be high, on the contrary, there is no aftertaste, or very short, the score is low.

Acid quality

Good acidity is not like vinegar, which is bright and lively and can also detect many kinds of acidity such as citrus, berries or sweet lemons, as well as the sweet and sour melons like cantaloupe or the crisp acidity of freshly ripe apples. The above acids are of high quality; bad acids are like unripe fruit or acetic acid, and some bad acids are like overripe fruit or rotten fruit, and fermented acid or rotten acid can be detected. The higher the quality, the higher the acid score.

Alcohol thickness

The scoring item is not to measure the taste, it belongs to the substance and touch felt by the mouth, the sense of fat, viscosity and quality all constitute the body;, such as milk and water, the former has a much higher sense of touch, thick soup and clear soup, the consistency and touch of the former are much higher than the latter.


This score is relatively simple. Do 5 cups of samples have different tastes and which ones are defective? If all are consistent, then write a big 10 points!

Equilibrium degree

It refers to whether the scoring items of coffee are balanced, for example, the acidity is bright but still sweetens? The touch is sticky but not astringent? Are the various flavors of coffee harmonious? If so, the score of this item will be high.


It not only means that the coffee fruit is harvested in the best ripening period, without immature beans, but also represents the excellent quality of coffee. Only by selecting freshly ripe coffee fruits to treat them into raw beans can we get better sweetness, and there are many kinds of sweetness, such as sugarcane sweetness, caramel sweetness, etc., which can be noted in the evaluation. Coffee usually contains sweetness, so this item will be given a high score as long as it is perceived to be sweet.

Overall evaluation

Is the coffee excellent on the whole, is it attractive to you, is it average, or do you not like her at all?

This scoring item is the overall evaluation of the tester, and it can also reflect his personal preferences. If there is no cup tester to test each type of coffee, there will be no harvest from coffee farmers, and there will be no refreshing drinks in the cup. the true meaning of cup testing is to find better coffee.