Coffee review

How long do you drink coffee beans after baking? how long is the shelf life? how long is the time to raise beans? a few days.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, There are many theories about how to raise beans. For example, coffee beans are sealed in an aluminum foil bag with an one-way exhaust valve and kept in a constant temperature space for 8 to 24 hours. After opening, you have to put it for 30 minutes to a few hours, come into contact with the air, in order to have a good flavor and moderate exhaust. In fact, different coffee varieties need different bean cultivation and exhaust time for roasting, which requires us.

There are many theories about how to raise beans. For example, coffee beans are sealed in an aluminum foil bag with an one-way exhaust valve and kept in a constant temperature space for 8 to 24 hours. After opening the seal, you have to put it for 30 minutes to a few hours, come into contact with the air, in order to have a good flavor and moderate exhaust. In fact, different varieties of coffee roast the need for different beans and exhaust time is also different, we need to slowly understand.

Badoumai's suggestion is that after a single cup of coffee arrives in your hand, the practice of using coffee utensils is almost unnecessary to raise beans, that is, the so-called "open the bag" and keep it sealed after opening the bag.

On the other hand, if the Italian coffee beans are made with a pressure coffee machine, it takes at least 7-15 days to raise the beans. If you are in a hurry to use the coffee beans, you can open the bags in advance and let them be exposed to air oxidation for 12-24 hours before use. Too fresh blended coffee beans, the taste is more exciting in ESPRESSO, coffee oil (crema) is not delicate enough, and even has a very obvious bitter taste of freshly roasted coffee beans, there will be carbon dioxide emissions, so that the pressure in the packaging is higher than an atmospheric pressure, the pressure helps to integrate aromatic substances and oils, so that all aromatic substances inside the coffee beans can be easily extracted.

The common one-way breather valve on coffee bean bags is used to discharge excess carbon dioxide to prevent the bean bags from being broken by carbon dioxide. However, if the coffee beans no longer emit carbon dioxide, the carbon dioxide in the bag will be lost through the breathable valve, resulting in a state of pressure-free preservation, suffocating coffee beans that may have wonderful aroma and taste, and accelerating the deterioration of coffee beans. Coffee beans that have just been roasted will emit carbon dioxide, making the pressure in the package higher than an atmospheric pressure, which helps to integrate aromatic substances and oils. Make all the aromatic substances inside the coffee beans easy to extract.

The common one-way breather valve on coffee bean bags is used to discharge excess carbon dioxide to prevent the bean bags from being broken by carbon dioxide. However, if the coffee beans no longer emit carbon dioxide, the carbon dioxide in the bag will be lost through the breathable valve, resulting in a state of pressure-free preservation, stuffing the coffee beans that may have wonderful aroma and taste, and accelerating the deterioration of coffee beans.