Coffee review

Different methods of fancy Coffee introduction to the production methods of taste and taste

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Brilliant wild Mediterranean coffee mixed with coffee, chocolate syrup and various spices. The mixed spices are like the multicultural features of the Mediterranean, with the wild nomads of northern Africa, the long history of Arabs in West Asia, and the sunny character of southern Europeans. So, if you want to create something special on a special day

Brilliant wild Mediterranean coffee

Mediterranean coffee is a blend of coffee, chocolate syrup and various spices. The mixed spices are like the multicultural features of the Mediterranean, with the wild nomads of northern Africa, the long history of Arabs in West Asia, and the sunny character of southern Europeans. So if you want to create a special atmosphere on a special day, Mediterranean coffee is the perfect choice.

Turkish coffee with unique flavor

There is a Turkish proverb: "drink your cup of Turkish coffee, remember your friendship for forty years." In the streets and alleys of Turkey, there are shops with "coffee" signs, some with a small coffee cup painted, and the edge of the cup seems to be steaming.

Optimistic and generous Mexican coffee

Mexicans are enthusiastic and optimistic, and the chocolates in Mexican coffee perfectly reflect this. Mexican coffee has different practices, but the main difference is whether it contains alcohol or not.

Green tea and coffee with a combination of east and west

This is the most oriental fancy coffee, and the practice is very simple. Coffee strong mixed with the fragrance of green tea, there will be no sense of conflict, on the contrary, you will be amazed at its harmony.

Cool and charming Thai iced coffee

If there is one coffee that can bring you a cool sea breeze and the ancient psychedelic aroma of Asia on a hot summer day, it is Thai iced coffee.

Mix very strong coffee with ice cubes and add cardamom, which is native to the East Indies with cream and sugar, and a cup of Thai iced coffee takes you to Phuket in the hot sun and sea breeze.

Noble and elegant Burgundy coffee

Burgundy in France is the hometown of red wines, where the red wines are bright in color and excellent in taste. Burgundy coffee is a very elegant fancy coffee with the flavor of wine mixed in.