Coffee review

Introduction to the quality characteristics of coffee flavor description treatment in Incht Manor, Guatemala

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Between 1950 and 1954, the ruling President Jacobo Abens carried out land reform, when large landowners, who accounted for 2 per cent of the country's population, occupied about 70 per cent of the country's arable land. Arbens wrote a check for land reform, promising to buy the land held by the big landlords and redistribute it to small farmers. Arbens to

Introduction to the quality characteristics of coffee flavor description treatment in Incht Manor, Guatemala

Between 1950 and 1954, the ruling president Jacobo Abens implemented land reform, when big landlords, who accounted for 2 per cent of the country's population, owned about 70 per cent of the country's arable land. Arbens wrote a check for land reform, promising to buy the land held by the big landlords and redistribute it to small farmers. Arbens won the election, and the land reform plan was carried out immediately. Landlords who own more than 223 acres of land will be expropriated as long as there is land not used for production. In the end, an average of 4300 acres of land was expropriated from 1059 farms, and about 100, 000 farmers were granted ownership of the land in 1982. Leftist guerrillas across the country merged to form the "National Revolutionary Alliance of Guatemala" and armed struggle spread throughout the country. Farmers dissatisfied with the overthrow of the Arbens regime organized a guerrilla group in which more than 100,000 people were killed and millions displaced. In September 1982, the persecution of the local Mayans by the Guatemalan army was close to genocide, and more than 9000 Mayans were killed. Since 1983, persecution on the part of the Government of Guatemala began to decrease and the country began to democratize again. However, the disparity between the rich and the poor has not been solved, and only a small number of people who account for 1% own more than 60% of the arable land and wealth. In 1985, Guatemala reorganized the general election.

Antigua is one of the few tourist attractions in Guatemala.

The city scenery is reminiscent of medieval Europe, a chic and beautiful town. Coffee farms are generally located in more remote towns, but they produce the highest quality Guatemalan coffee near the city!

The urban features of Antigua and the Agua volcano

La Tacita Manor, Antigua District, Guatemala

Next to the famous San Sebastian Manor, there is about the production area of 90ha.

There is a big temperature difference between hot and cold in this area. The temperature will drop to 0 degrees in the cold season. There is also little rainfall, which is a disadvantageous environment for coffee trees. But the geothermal heat of Agua Volcano produces the highest quality coffee. Harvest season from more than 600 collectors from the selection of La Tacita manor-specific collectors, the sense of responsibility of the collectors, self-consciousness, the work of making fine coffee training. It is understood that this year's harvest has dropped by 40% due to abnormal climate, but there is a very obvious awareness of coffee production due to the emphasis on quality. With regard to the coffee characteristics of the "La Tacita Manor" in Antigua, the water content of coffee is usually reduced after the drying process, and here is the method of drying to reduce the water content to 10% and then place it to 1112%. Coffee that can pass this project has a very high potential and is said to be very long-lasting.

Beautiful coffee cherries. It looks very sweet.

90% of the people in this country are employed poor families. These people's lives are all the same.

A simple life, no waste and busy leisure are all the way of life of the people of this country.

The coffee made by such simple people's hands and fine soil is taken for granted that it will release the perfect fragrance.