Coffee review

How to form Coffee Alcohol-the cause of Milk Coffee spot formation

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, How coffee alcohol is formed-Milk Coffee spots are caused by undissolved solids or deposits that come from two pipes. First, a small amount of coffee fiber is washed down from the surface of coffee powder and suspended in water. Under the action of gravity, tiny coffee fiber particles precipitated to the bottom of the cup. Second, insoluble substances are water-insoluble proteins. These proteins come from coffee and raw beans.

How to form Coffee Alcohol-the cause of Milk Coffee spot formation

An undissolved solid substance or sediment that comes from two pipes.

First, a small amount of coffee fiber is washed down from the surface of coffee powder and suspended in water. Under the action of gravity, tiny coffee fiber particles precipitated to the bottom of the cup.

Second, insoluble substances are water-insoluble proteins. These proteins come from amino acids in raw coffee beans. In the process of baking, amino acids combine with each other to form larger molecules to form proteins. Finally, these protein molecules become so large that they cannot be dissolved in water. These proteins eventually produce coffee "dirt", which accumulates more and more, and eventually forms a dark, oily precipitate on the coffee brewing equipment (1) alcoholicity (body)

The physical properties of the drink. The texture of the skin in the tongue and mouth during and after drinking the coffee.

(2) Butter (buttery)

The results show that there are more oily suspended solids in coffee. Most coffee brewed under pressure, such as espresso, often has this taste. Under the action of pressure, the oil in the soybean fiber is fully extracted.

(3) creamy creamy

Caused by certain oily substances suspended in coffee. Creamy is produced because there is a lot of fat in raw coffee beans.

(4) heavy

Describe the mellowness of coffee. High concentration indicates that there are more than medium amounts of solid suspensions in coffee-small particles of coffee fiber and large amounts of insoluble proteins.

(5) Light (light)

Describe the mellowness of coffee. It indicates that there are low and medium amounts of solid suspended matter in coffee. This situation is usually related to the low ratio of coffee to water when making coffee.

(6) smooth

Caused by low and medium amounts of oily substances suspended in coffee. It is the result of a moderate amount of fat in raw beans.

(7) thick

There is a feeling caused by a relatively large number of solid suspensions in coffee. Espresso often has this characteristic. This is the result of the existence of a large number of soybean fiber particles and insoluble proteins.