Coffee review

The Best Coffee Extraction Method-The Best Time for Coffee Spot Treatment

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, The best coffee extract method-the best time for coffee spot treatment 1. This cup of coffee is too bitter and too stimulating, and it is over-extracted! Case 1: This cup of coffee is over-extracted. Case 2: The extraction rate of this cup of coffee is normal (18-22%), but the concentration is too high. It also shows bitterness and irritation. In this case, just add the right amount of water to the coffee and add the coffee.

The Best Coffee extract-the Best time for Coffee spot treatment

1. "this cup of coffee is so bitter and exciting that it is overextracted!"

Case 1: this cup of coffee is overextracted. (the extraction rate is over 22%)

Case 2: the extraction rate of this cup of coffee is normal (18-22%), but the concentration is too high. This will also show the characteristics of bitterness and excitement. In this case, as long as you add the right amount of water to the coffee and adjust the concentration of the coffee to normal, the taste of the coffee will change greatly and may immediately become balanced and soft. In fact, what we are adjusting is the ratio of powder to water.

Case 3: this cup of coffee is too little extracted (less than 18%), but the concentration is too high. This will also show the characteristics of bitterness and excitement. In this case, the timely addition of water to adjust the concentration of coffee, the taste characteristics of coffee will not be very balanced, there will still be insufficient sweetness.

two。 "this cup of coffee is so light that it doesn't seem to be extracted enough."

Case 1: this cup of coffee is extracted too little. (the extraction rate is less than 18%)

Case 2: the extraction rate of this cup of coffee is normal (18-22%), but the concentration is too low. In this case, the coffee may not have obvious characteristics, but it will not have a bad taste and flavor.

Case 3: this cup of coffee is overextracted (more than 22%), but the concentration is too high. In this case, the coffee will still show the characteristics of over-extraction, can drink a faint bitter taste or unpleasant miscellaneous taste.

Malaysians put coffee powder in cotton pockets, soak them in hot water, and then remove the cloth bags from the hot water. This kind of pocket is the same as using filter paper. This is more suitable for strong local coffee, and the coffee in the bag can be reused.

The siphon coffee maker (Syphon) is made by connecting a heating container and a funnel container. The connecting part is a filter with coffee dust on it. After boiling in the heating container, the water goes into the funnel container and mixes with the coffee powder; at this time, the heating source is cut off, and the partial vacuum formed by the cooling of the heating container pulls the coffee back to the bottom through the filter.

Ice brewing method

Ice brewed coffee, also known as ice drop coffee, is the biggest difference from the above four, that is, instead of using hot water, ice water produced by slowly melting ice is dripped slowly through a filter containing coffee dust. So it takes a long time and high cost to make a cup of iced coffee, but it tastes great.