Coffee review

Flavor and taste of coffee beans in Laos introduction to the varieties of grinding scale by regional treatment method

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The production of Laos coffee beans is not large. Except for self-selling Arabica, almost all of them are sold to France, a relationship that has not changed since colonial times. Obviously, after the French left, the Laotians didn't know how to sell coffee. Robusta coffee is exported, sold to Thailand, went to Nestl é, maybe this is Thailand Nestle coffee is particularly delicious.

Laos coffee beans

The production of coffee in Laos is already small, and Arabica sells almost all its own coffee to France, a relationship that has not changed since colonial times. Obviously, after the French left, the Laotians didn't know how to sell coffee. Robusta coffee is exported, sold to Thailand, went to Nestle, maybe this is why Thai Nestle coffee tastes so good. Basong does not have many large plantations, most small farmers produce, although there is the best coffee, but the tourism industry is still in its infancy, if you are a coffee enthusiast, you can also visit the local village. November to January is the harvest time for Arabica coffee, while February to March is Robsta's. If it's not that crazy, go to Vientiane or Luang Prabang cafes and carefully choose first-class local coffee. Remember to choose Arabica coffee varieties. Laotians also like to pour coffee into a glass mixed with condensed milk, and then have another cup of green tea.

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in human society, and it is also an important cash crop. It has the second highest futures trade quota in the world (second only to oil). In European and American culture, the cafe is not only a traditional social place, but also a collection and distribution center of art and knowledge.

Coffee trees are native to the subtropical regions of Africa and some islands in southern Asia, with many varieties. Each variety is related to specific climatic conditions and a certain altitude. The wild coffee tree is an evergreen shrub, 3 to 3.5 meters high, with small white flowers on its branches and a jasmine fragrance. The fruit is 1.5 to 1.8 cm long, red and similar in size to cherries. There are two adjacent seeds, namely coffee beans, each with endocarp and epicarp. Coffee beans are roasted and then ground into coffee powder to make coffee.

According to Roth de Neroy (1613-1707), a Roman linguist, around the sixth century, when an Arab shepherd drove sheep to the Isobian prairie for grazing, he felt very excited and excited to see each goat. Later, after careful observation, it was found that these sheep were excited after eating some kind of red fruit, and the shepherd tasted some curiously. He found these fruits very sweet and delicious, and he felt very refreshed after eating them. From then on, he often drove the sheep to eat this delicious fruit (which can make up for the way shepherds and goats dance together. ).