Coffee review

Coffee Tips How to Use a Mocha Coffee Pot

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Moka coffee pot (Moka), a three-part Italian coffee pot with steam vacuum. In the first time to use, can not directly brew coffee to drink, the first time, water to open again, and then 2-3 times with coffee and then pour, so that the coffee aroma is very good into the coffee pot, let the coffee pot and this coffee (preferably do not change the brand of coffee) matching, after

Mocha coffee maker (Moka), a three-body Italian coffee maker that is kept away by a steam vacuum. In the first use, can not directly make coffee to drink, the first time, flush it with water, then 2-3 times with coffee and then pour out, so that the aroma of coffee will be very good into the coffee pot, let the coffee pot with this coffee (it is best not to change the brand of coffee), and then the coffee will be delicious.