Coffee review

Introduction to the steps of siphon pot, siphon pot, coffee grams and coffee brewing

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Siphon pot utensils siphon pot coffee grams steps for brewing coffee 1. Stirring stick: it is used to stir the coffee extracted in the upper seat during the cooking process-the purpose is to make the coffee extract evenly, and the method of stirring will be discussed later. two。 Measuring spoon: is used to measure coffee beans, note that coffee beans are not powder, slowly protruding a large spoon is about 10g, flat spoon is about 7G, generally siphon pot with 15g

Introduction to the steps of siphon pot, siphon pot, coffee grams and coffee brewing

1. Stirring stick: it is used to stir the coffee extracted in the upper seat during the cooking process-the purpose is to make the coffee extract evenly, and the method of stirring will be discussed later.

two。 Measuring spoon: is used to measure coffee beans, note that coffee beans are not powder, slowly protruding a large spoon is about 10g, flat spoon is about 7G, generally siphon pot with 15g coffee, that is, two flat spoons

3. Filter cloth and filter screen: install the filter cloth on the filter screen, the side of the cloth is the outside, the plush is the inside, tighten and cut off the long thread

(don't tell me there are no coffee beans in it, buy it yourself, buy a fresh one)

The amount used to make a cup of coffee in a pot:

(double it in two cups)

Coffee quantity: 15g-two flat spoons, it doesn't matter if you drink more or less, depending on whether you drink strong or light, just don't make a big difference.

Degree of grinding: medium and fine grinding-it is difficult to explain how big this thing is, it is too fine and easy to scorch, and the water flavor of too coarse coffee is heavy.

Water volume: 200ml-this data is standard, and I can assure you that most coffee shops near your home use 150ML rather than 200ML, because most individual coffee cups match 150ML and are not stingy.

Personally, I often use the amount of 180ML. And don't worry about how much the 180ML is? The lower seat is more decorated, tilting the upright lower seat exactly 90 degrees to pour water, the excess water flows out, and there is almost so much left.

The quantity of two cups is marked on the lower seat where 2 cups of water is 1 cm below. It is recommended that beginners do not do it.

Extracted coffee:

Siphon pot brewing coffee looks simple, but in fact, it is very complicated to go deep into it. I will only say one kind here: post-casting + poking method, which shows that interested friends can still discuss Didi in the future.

The next step is my personal language, so I don't use official language, which is convenient for beginners.

one。 Get ready for the next seat: 1. Hold good water-it is best to use hot water, and the best is pure soft water

two。 Check the outside water dry with a dry cloth. Make sure you don't have a drop of water. It's none of my business if the kettle burns.

3. Heat it on the fire source-aim at the center, and don't look for me if the kettle breaks when you extract it later.

two。 Prepare for the upper seat: 1 install the filter screen on the upper seat-be sure to tighten the hook and adjust the filter horizontally with a stirring stick

two。 Or use a dry cloth to dry the water outside-when the water flows below, the lower seat is cracked. ¥@ #! @%

3. Oblique to the lower seat.-Don't plug it in directly.

three。 Grind beans-if you are not proficient in hand grinding beans or making coffee, grind them in advance and set them aside for use

four。 Coffee powder: 1. Plug the upper seat upright.-wait for the water slowly.

two。 Fire transfer-newcomers are not recommended to do this. Moving the fire is to move the lower seat to let the source of fire leave the center of the lower seat, but can not leave the position of the remaining water in the lower seat. It is none of my business if the kettle burns. ..

3. Adjust the filter screen-if you see a large bubble, you need to use a stirring rod to adjust the filter screen, there can be no big bubbles, mainly refers to the bubbles emerging from the edge of the filter, some small bubbles in the filter cloth will ignore it.

4. Put in the coffee powder-pour the prepared coffee powder into the upper seat and immediately press it under the water with a stirring stick.

five。 Extraction-any variety of coffee beans can not be extracted for more than 55 seconds, after a certain amount of bitterness, declare failure. The extraction time is the time from pouring the coffee powder to turning off the heat.

1. Stir-be careful that the stirring rod must not touch the filter cloth, and the deeper it is inserted, the better

Draw a straight line in the kettle with a stirring stick, draw two crosses for 4 strokes, and 4 consecutive strokes for one stirring.

The first mixing is after pressing the powder, the second time is in 30 seconds, and the third time is about 50 seconds. .

two。 Turn off the heat-turn off the heat immediately after the third stirring and remove immediately with the alcohol lamp.

3. Cool down to get coffee-cover the upper part of the lower seat with a semi-dry towel and cool the steam below to let the coffee into the lower seat. Many bubbles can be seen in this process, proving that the coffee is fresh.

4. Pull out the upper seat-do not feel that children can do this action, the lower seat is negative pressure at this time, you have to pull the upper seat to let the gap between them into the air, the upper seat can be easily pulled out