Coffee review

Introduction to which model of Delong coffee machine is good for maintenance and troubleshooting after using hot water for one year

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Delong coffee machine used a year of hot water broken which model good maintenance troubleshooting Delong coffee machine troubleshooting method 2 coffee only from one coffee outlet coffee outlet blockage. We can use toothpicks to clean the coffee outlet. The milk foam is too big, not cold enough or not semi-skimmed milk. We need skim or semi-skim beef refrigerated in the refrigerator.

Introduction to which model of Delong coffee machine is good for maintenance and troubleshooting after using hot water for one year

Troubleshooting method of Delong coffee machine 2

Coffee flows out of only one coffee outlet.

The coffee flow is blocked at the exit. We can use toothpicks to clean the coffee outlet.

The milk foam is too big.

Milk is not cold enough or not semi-skim milk. We need to use refrigerated skim or semi-skim milk (about 5 ℃). If the effect is still not ideal, we need to change the milk brand.

Can't make milk foam.

The milk foam generator is dirty. We need to clean the milk foam generator according to the instructions.

When in use, the steam stops releasing

The machine will stop releasing steam in three minutes. After waiting for a few minutes, start the steam function again.

The machine cannot be started.

1. The machine is not powered on. We need to power on the coffee machine first.

two。 The main power switch of the machine is not turned on. We need to set the main power switch of the machine to the "1" position.