Coffee review

What's the difference between Sidamo and Yega Xuefei? What's the difference in flavor of coffee beans?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, What's the difference between Sidamo and Yega Xuefei? What is the difference in the flavor of coffee beans? the taste of Sidama is close to the smell of flowers, but it is about a little earthy. Water washing has a nutty fruit aroma with a slight cocoa aroma, but what the two have in common is smooth taste and viscosity, comfortable and pleasant acidity and fragrance. Light or medium roasting is suitable for individual products, medium or deep roasting is suitable for blending coffee and good E

What's the difference between Sidamo and Yega Xuefei? What's the difference in flavor of coffee beans?

The taste of Sidama in the sun is close to the smell of flowers, but it is about a little earthy. Water washing has a nutty fruit aroma with a slight cocoa aroma, but what the two have in common is smooth taste and viscosity, comfortable and pleasant acidity and fragrance. Light or medium roasting is suitable for individual products, medium or deep roasting is suitable for blending coffee and good Espresso base washing treatment. Cidamo is light green, small beans, oval growth, full fruit, good average quality, fragrant and mellow smell, a drop of taste, lingering aftertaste, with wild beauty. It is elegant and playful, the entrance taste is mild and pleasant, and later bright lemon acid form a strong taste impact, the taste is unique and mellow, the taste is unique and pleasant, and the slowly rising end rhyme contains chic sweetness.

Yega Yirgacheffe has a good performance in both light baking and medium-deep baking: if you like the unique orange fruit aroma, light and mild taste, you can choose the light baked Yirgacheffe, which will produce beans at the end of the first explosion; if you pay attention to the richness and thickness of the taste, as well as the consistency and aftertaste, you can choose the lightly oiled Yirgacheffe baked in Vienna, which will produce beans in the middle and later stages of the second explosion. Because Yejasuffe Yirgacheffe is washed with water and has relatively high water content, we should pay attention to having sufficient dehydration time. Also can not bake too long, so as not to send out more homeopathic coffee aroma substances in a long period of high temperature, to do just right, low heat, a small amount of coffee roasted for about 15-20 minutes is more suitable for deep-roasted Yejia snow coffee Yirgacheffe, roast to 17 minutes (230C), turn off the fire for half a minute and immediately cool the beans to cool and blow off the silver skin, there is a slight oil on the surface of the coffee beans, and the beans are black and brown. Beans are very light, the resistance when using hand coffee grinding is very small, and it is not easy to drop beans. The dry aroma of coffee powder has a strong scorched fragrance and a faint smell of African soil. After brewing, the wet fragrance has a good burnt fragrance, and after deep baking, it seems to have completely lost the regional characteristics of the orange flavor. But after the coffee entrance sipping, very rich, fragrant and pleasant, rich in variety, gentle sour, bitter, astringent have a good embodiment, the texture is thick, the viscosity is better than the shallow baked, the long aftertaste of Sidamo is light green, the beans are small, grow oval, the fruit is full, the average quality is good, the smell is fragrant and mellow, a drop of entrance, endless aftertaste, wild beauty. It is elegant and playful, the entrance taste is mild and pleasant, and later bright lemon acid form a strong taste impact, the taste is unique and mellow, the taste is unique and pleasant, and the slowly rising end rhyme contains chic sweetness.