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Melaleuca automatic coffee machine detergent concentration instructions video maintenance introduction

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Melaleuca automatic coffee machine detergent concentration instructions video maintenance introduction try to choose professional detergent for cleaning, so that neither damage to the machine, decontamination effect is good, and relatively safe. If you really don't have a cleaning detergent, try mixing one part white vinegar with six parts water. This can also replace professional detergents. You can also use lemon.

Introduction to video maintenance of Merlot automatic coffee machine detergent concentration instructions

Try to choose professional detergent for cleaning, so that it will not cause damage to the machine, the decontamination effect is good, and it is relatively safe.

If there is no cleaning detergent, try mixing one part of white vinegar with six portions of clear water, which can also be used instead of professional detergent or citric acid.

Add 2 cups of water to the water tank, then add 50ml vinegar and then drip a cup according to the coffee-making procedure, let it stand for 20 minutes, then start to clean all the water in the water tank, turn off the machine for 5 minutes, then re-operate it with clean water for 1-2 times. Clean the leaky screen and filter screen, soak in water for a period of time, then rinse with water, rinse back and forth on the opposite side, and be careful not to scrape with hard objects.

The effect of cleaning should be carefully observed, mainly to observe the color of the effluent and the pressure of the steam. If the effluent is clear and the pressure is in place, then it is cleaned.

If you encounter a steam outlet blockage, you can use a toothpick to clear it. What needs to be reminded is that be sure to turn off the steam switch before operating. Moreover, the steam outlet should not be directed at the person, so as to avoid accidental injury.

After the vinegar cleaning has achieved satisfactory results, rinse again with pure water until the water comes out without any peculiar smell.

Add 2 cups of water to the water tank, then add 50ml vinegar and then drip a cup according to the coffee-making procedure, let it stand for 20 minutes, then start to clean all the water in the water tank, turn off the machine for 5 minutes, then re-operate it with clean water for 1-2 times. To clean the leaky screen and filter screen, soak in water for a period of time, then rinse with water, rinse back and forth on the opposite side, and be careful not to scrape with hard objects.