Coffee review

How big is the fancy coffee cup?-how big is the flower coffee cup?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, What is the size of the fancy coffee cup-the right size of the coffee cup is easy to leave coffee stains on the inner wall of the cup, how to effectively clean without harming the coffee cup? First of all, you can use a neutral and mild detergent with a soft cloth to scrub, if the effect is not good, you can squeeze two drops of lemon juice into the cup, soak for a while and then rinse clean. If the stain is really difficult to remove, you can dip it in toothpaste

How big is the fancy coffee cup?-how big is the flower coffee cup?

Coffee is easy to leave coffee stains on the inner wall of the cup, how to effectively clean without harming the coffee cup? First of all, you can use a neutral and mild detergent with a soft cloth to scrub, if the effect is not good, you can squeeze two drops of lemon juice into the cup, soak for a while and then rinse clean. If the stain is really hard to remove, you can scrub it with toothpaste. But in any case, to avoid cleaning with hard brushes and alkaline detergents, if possible, it is not just the life of the petty bourgeoisie to clean and taste coffee as soon as possible after drinking coffee. many people will choose to go to the coffee shop for a cup of coffee or make coffee at home. The coffee you drink after a meal is usually served in a pocket cup. The ear of this kind of cup is so small that you can't get your fingers out. But even if you use a larger cup, don't put your finger through the ear and carry the cup. The correct way to hold a coffee cup is to hold the handle of the cup by your thumb and forefinger and then pick up the cup. Choose coffee cups can choose some exquisite ceramic coffee cups, will also bring yourself a good mood.

When adding sugar to the coffee, the sugar can be scooped with a coffee spoon and added directly to the cup, or you can first use a sugar clip to clip the cube sugar on the near side of the coffee plate, and then use the coffee spoon to add the cube sugar to the cup. If you put the cube sugar directly into the cup with a sugar clip or hand, it may sometimes spill the coffee and stain the clothes or tablecloth. The coffee spoon is specially used to stir the coffee and should be taken out when drinking the coffee. No longer use the coffee spoon to scoop the coffee and drink it slowly, and do not use the coffee spoon to mash the cube sugar in the cup.

Starbucks now sells cappuccinos in three sizes: medium (12 oz), large (16 oz) and oversized (20 oz). At present, the "small cup" specification can no longer be seen on the shop's price list, and it is said that it can be ordered if customers need it.

If you ask Starbucks why it is doing this? Technically, no matter how skilled a barista is, it is difficult to make a high-quality, large cup of cappuccino milk foam (called "Microfoam" in jargon).

As for why it is priced in this way? The economist's answer: this is Starbucks' painful choice in the face of a dilemma-prices are too low, profits disappear, prices are too high and customers are lost. But if your goods are too cheap, you may not be able to make money. Because a large number of customers who can afford to pay do not want to lose their price and step into the bargain store. As a result, companies do not usually drive down the prices of cheap products in order to prevent the loss of high-end customers and, like Starbucks, make cheap goods invisible.

In fact, this practice has existed for hundreds of years. French economist Emile Dupuit wrote as soon as the railway opened: why the third-class car of the train is not covered with a roof, even if it is cheap to build it, but "the company did so, in order to prevent passengers who can afford second-class tickets from buying third-class tickets to travel; this hit the poor, but not to hurt them, but to scare the rich."