Coffee review

The difference between Ghost Tooth Grinder and Italian Bean Mill

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The difference between the ghost tooth bean grinder and the Italian bean grinder is that the conical knife grinder is placed at the bottom and then grinded with the outer ring cutter head. After the coffee bean falls from above, it will pull the coffee bean down with the rotation of the conical cutter head, resulting in grinding action, and because of the relationship from top to bottom, the particles can push out the coffee without pushing and grinding the beans with a knife.

The difference between ghost tooth grinding machine and Italian grinding machine

Cone knife grinder is placed at the bottom of the conical cutter disc, and then with the outer ring cutter disc to grind, coffee beans fall from above, coffee beans will be pulled down with the rotation of the conical cutter disc, and then produce grinding action, but also because of the relationship from top to bottom, so the particles can be pushed out without pushing coffee, compared with the flat knife grinder, the number of collisions between particles will be reduced a lot, so the proportion of fine powder produced by the cone knife will be reduced a lot compared with the flat knife, And coffee grind uniformity will be greatly improved.

The particles ground by the cone knife will approach the particle shape, resulting in a longer water absorption path of the coffee particles, and it takes a longer time for the inside to contact water. Therefore, the soluble substances released by the cone knife particles in the initial stage will be less, resulting in a concentration that is not too high in a short time. At the same time, because of the particle shape, even in the case of a longer extraction time, the xylem absorbs less water, and it is less likely to produce miscellaneous and astringent tastes.

The upper and lower cutter plates of the flat knife are placed in parallel, so the coffee beans need to rely on the rotating force of the bottom cutter plate to push the coffee beans into the cutter plate, so the weight of the coffee beans placed above will affect the uniformity of the coffee beans entering the cutter plate, which in turn affects the uniformity of grinding; in addition, due to the pushing, the number of collisions between the coffee beans increases, resulting in an increase in the proportion of fine powder. This is the reason why the particle uniformity of the common flat knife grinder is slightly poor and the fine powder is more.

As for the awl knife, it was also worth ten thousand pounds of oil. Apart from the top-of-the-line MAZZER ROBUR, most of the other products are compatible with Italian and single items. However, in the world of cone knives, there were two levels of differentiation. They were either tens of thousands of top-level Italian bean grinders or low-end entry-level products! BARATZA ENCORE is the representative of entry-level household products, most of the household level small cone knives can be compatible with single products and Italian style. However, the quality of the product is different. Because of the high efficiency of the cone knife and the fast grinding speed, there will be a proper amount of fine powder in the good cone knife product, which can obviously improve the layering of coffee, so many top coffee shops will choose it. However, some people feel that fine powder causes impurities in coffee extraction and inhibits cone knife. As for how to choose, he really had to try it himself to understand! After all, what suits one's taste is the best! Cone cutter is also favored by most manual bean grinders due to its high grinding efficiency. HARIO 2TB and LIDO2 are cone cutter designs.