Coffee review

Delong coffee machine extractor jammed fault lamp introduction graphic extractor extraction

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Delong coffee machine extractor stuck fault light introduction graphic extractor to take out coffee powder grinding thickness of a simple judgment if the outflow of coffee liquid is very light, pressed powder is not shaped loose and wet, the powder is too thick if the coffee liquid is very black, into a dripping shape, not into a straight line, and very little liquid flows out for a long time, the powder is too fine. Positive

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Delong coffee machine extractor jammed fault lamp introduction graphic extractor extraction

Simple judgement of Grinding thickness of Coffee Powder

If the coffee liquid is light and the pressed powder is not shaped, it is loose and damp, and the powder is too coarse.

If the coffee liquid is very black, dripping, not in a straight line, and there is little liquid coming out for a long time, the powder is too fine.

Normally, at first, the coffee liquid is very strong, the liquid is in a straight line, and slowly fades. Pressed powder molding is not loose and not damp.

The machine used is the newly bought Delong ESAM 3200S. When using coffee powder to extract Espresso, it will press the powder automatically, but the flow rate of the coffee is uneven. When you are halfway through the extraction, you can stop for almost a second. You can hear a sound from the machine, and then you can continue to extract it, but it is not coherent. What's going on? Is it because this is a new machine that I have just tried two cups of coffee and have to make five or six cups to be normal?

The warning light is always on and the machine does not work after the Delon 3000 gamble 4000 series coffee machine is turned on.

After entering the test mode, start the motor, the motor has a slight action, but does not work. After inspection, the bridge stack on the circuit board (rectifier bridge) is damaged, replace the bridge stack, troubleshooting.

2 Delong coffee machine 3000, 4000 series, fault: the amount of coffee can not be adjusted, the water shortage lamp flashes, but it can make coffee, after putting hot water, the water shortage light is not on, but after making a cup of coffee, the water shortage lamp flashes again.

The water meter is broken

3 release steam, no steam, later, the water shortage indicator flashes.

There may be something wrong with the pump

4 if the automaton bean grinder has finished grinding, the water pump starts to work to make coffee and suddenly removes the water tank, what will happen, what accessories will break down, and how to deal with it.

The water tank should be put back and hot water should be released.

The thermal protector of the heater is easy to damage.

5 Delong coffee machine 3500 6600, after being turned on, there is no Ready message for a long time, and finally GENERICALARM appears.

Check if there is heat in the warm cup area.

Usually the heater doesn't work, check the temperature protector.

6 as the customer did not completely shut down the case, the extractor will be forcibly pulled out, and forced installation, but the water plate is not in place, how to solve the fault without dismantling the machine?