Coffee review

Video course on the pressing skills of making espresso and the use of coffee cloth powder dispenser

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee powder pressing skills video tutorial Coffee powder dispenser use strength according to the state of the Espresso production process can determine whether the powder pressing strength is appropriate. If the coffee flows so fast that it runs out of 30cc in less than 20 seconds, then the powder pressing strength should be insufficient (if the rest has been excluded.

Coffee powder pressing tips video tutorial Coffee powder dispenser using strength

According to the state of Espresso production process, it can be judged whether the powder pressing force is appropriate. If the coffee flow is very fast, less than 20 seconds has been completed 30cc, then the powder pressure should be insufficient (the premise is that other influencing factors have been excluded, the powder distribution, the powder level is uniform), then it should be appropriate to increase the powder pressure to make the coffee cake more dense. If the coffee flow rate is very slow, with the tendency to rotate into the cup, has been more than 30 seconds still not extracted to 30cc, then the powder pressure is too large (provided that other factors have been excluded, cloth powder, uniform powder level), then try to reduce the powder pressure.

There is also a situation that is more obvious when using a double cup bowl. Coffee production is relatively smooth, coffee flow is smooth, and it is relatively fine flow down, extraction of 30cc coffee amount of time is slightly longer (in more than 30 seconds), then according to the above is basically no problem. However, if you remove the handle and observe, you will find that there is still a lot of water on the powder cake, which means that the water flow with the force equivalent to 9 atmospheres does not pass through the powder cake smoothly. At this point taste coffee will be found to be thin, sharp taste. In the case of grinding degree, smooth and uniform pressing powder, and no problem with cloth powder and other factors, it is the problem of pressing powder strength. Pressure powder will lead to a large force on the powder cake is still residual water.

Therefore, the strength of the powder pressing is not the greater the better. If you blindly pursue to increase the strength for the so-called perfect extraction state and prolong the extraction time, what you get is not the real Espresso.

1. powder fineness

XX grinding machine scale should be adjusted to what?

Scale is only a reference, different brands of different grinding scales are not the same, the same brand of the same model of grinding machine in the same scale performance is not exactly the same, or this understanding is better: scale just tells you which direction is thick which direction is fine, when you find a suitable powder thickness, the role of the scale is only a little show. The premise is that only your bean grinder, and can not change the beans, the amount of powder unchanged, the intensity of the powder can not be changed.

Remember a tip: when you find the right powder thickness, from time to time with a hand twist, pinch a pinch, with the body to perceive the thickness and as far as possible to remember, so even if you change the bean grinder, do not only rely on the scale judgment, with a pinch obviously thick, then fine, can greatly improve efficiency.

2. powder loading

How many grams of powder do you put in a single double?

I can tell you how many grams of flour I use, but that's for my beans, my grinder, my flour thickness, my crushing strength, and these are all closely linked and have a direct impact, and when you change one of them, you have to change the others. In principle, we are more coarse powder, less fine powder, of course, you can fix a self-considered ideal amount of powder, because the amount of powder and scale are relatively controllable (compare the numerical value, the scale is how much, the amount of powder is a few grams) For example, I used to use 9g for a single serving and 16g for a double serving.