Coffee review

Equipment and Technology of "back pressure" Hot Air penetrating dry Coffee

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Back pressure hot air penetrates the drying equipment and technology of coffee. In order to promote the new coffee drying technology, Lingfeng Group invested and established Pu'er Lingfeng Coffee Co., Ltd. in July 2014. As of January 2015, Pu'er Lingfeng has built 13 coffee drying plants in Pu'er area, with a daily drying capacity of 100 tons of dried beans, which can meet the production of 20,000 tons of coffee.

Equipment and Technology of "back pressure" Hot Air penetrating dry Coffee

In order to promote the new coffee drying process, Lingfeng Group invested in the establishment of Pu'er Lingfeng Coffee Co., Ltd in July 2014. As of January 2015, Pu'er Lingfeng Company has built 13 coffee drying plants in Pu'er area, with a daily drying capacity of 100 tons of dried beans, which can meet the production capacity of 20,000 tons of coffee. In more than a month of the 2014-2015 production season, Pu'er Lingfeng Company has produced more than 1000 tons of coffee on its behalf, with a short processing cycle and stable product quality, which has been recognized by local farmers and dealers. To a certain extent, it has solved the problems of more Rain Water in producing areas and damp coffee beans.

At present, the coffee drying process of Lingfeng Company is being promoted in coffee producing areas, and the processing plant is producing at full capacity.

In recent years, the coffee industry in Yunnan has developed rapidly. In 2013, the planting area of the province was nearly 70, 000 hm2, and the annual output of coffee beans reached 88000 tons, which has become the main coffee producing area in China. With the large-scale production of coffee, people pay more and more attention to the primary processing of coffee. Drying is an important process in the initial processing of coffee, which affects the quality and efficiency of coffee processing. At present, Yunnan coffee mainly uses natural drying.

Drying is an important process in the initial processing of coffee, which affects the quality and efficiency of coffee processing. At present, Yunnan coffee is dried by natural drying, this drying process requires a large number of drying fields, high investment cost, high labor intensity, affected by weather and man-made factors, the drying quality is difficult to guarantee. After a large number of studies and experiments, Yunnan Tropical crop Vocational College and Yunnan Lincang Lingfeng Coffee Company have successfully applied the back pressure mechanical hot air penetration drying technology to the initial processing of coffee, which has greatly improved the quality and efficiency of coffee drying.

To strictly control the quality of coffee in the whole process of planting, management and protection, processing, storage and transportation, the company is establishing a set of coffee product quality traceability system with "production record, information inquiry, flow tracking, accountability and product recall". At present, Lingfeng Coffee Company has completed the census and registration of coffee plantations.

The company plans to build a back-pressure hot air-assisted penetrating drying processing plant for fine coffee beans per 1000 mu of coffee garden, so as to ensure that the fresh coffee fruits harvested on the same day are processed on the same day, so that the quality of coffee beans can be guaranteed.

In the future, when consumers consume Lingfeng coffee, by scanning the QR code on the packaging of Lingfeng coffee, they can know what kind of coffee they are consuming and what altitude they produce.