Coffee review

Coffee machine grinding thickness value-Delong coffee machine grinding is not strong enough

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee machine grinding fineness value-Delon coffee machine is not strong enough before debugging, you need to taste the four cups of espresso made by the preheating machine to infer the performance of the bean grinder when it is used frequently. Once again, I need to remind you not to use the automatic weight function of the electronic bean grinder. But if you have special needs, you can also use it, but in coffee

Coffee machine grinding thickness value-Delong coffee machine grinding is not strong enough

Before debugging, you need to taste the four cups of espresso made by the preheating machine to infer the performance of the bean grinder when it is used frequently. Once again, I need to remind you not to use the automatic weight function of the electronic bean grinder. But if you have special needs, you can also use it, but in the process of debugging the coffee mill, the automatic powder quantity and weight of the bean mill will also change, which means that you need to constantly debug it in order to ensure the constant quality. 1) use the manual pulverizing button and measure the powder weight with an electronic scale. There will be an error of + /-0.2g when using manual pulverization. This is the conclusion we reached during the test, so you need to add or remove a little coffee powder to achieve the most standard weight. Some of our customers use small cups instead of handles when weighing them. You can also do this. After measuring, you can pour the coffee powder directly into the handle.

2) press powder according to your usual habit. In order not to destroy the just set amount of coffee powder, you need to use uniform strength when pressing the powder, so that the surface level of pressed powder, the overall pressure of pressed powder is moderate. No matter what method you use, you need to pay attention to the consistent method of pressing powder each time, so as to avoid the effect of making skills on the quality of coffee.

First, adjust the grinding degree of the coffee machine: generally speaking, there is a rotating button in the bean warehouse of the automatic coffee machine, and there is a scale on the knob. This knob is to adjust the grinding degree of coffee beans. Generally speaking, it is to adjust the thickness of coffee powder. The larger the scale value is, the thicker the coffee powder will be, on the contrary, the finer the coffee powder will be. We can adjust the coffee concentration by adjusting the grinding degree of coffee beans. The finer the coffee is, the higher the concentration is, the thicker the coffee powder is, and the lower the coffee concentration is.

Second, adjust the amount of coffee powder: the automatic coffee machine has the function of adjusting the amount of coffee powder. The adjustment of the amount of powder does not necessarily adjust the concentration of coffee. If you increase the amount of coffee powder within a certain range, the concentration of coffee will increase. If you go beyond this range, the concentration of coffee will not rise, just like we have two cups of the same amount of water. We added one spoonful of sugar and two spoonfuls of sugar respectively to the two cups of water. If the water is saturated with one spoonful of sugar, then adding two spoonfuls of sugar cannot improve the sweetness of the water. The same is true for adding and reducing powder.

Third, adjust the amount of water: the fully automatic coffee machine will also have the function of adjusting the amount of coffee cups. This function means to increase the amount of water in the coffee in order to increase the amount of coffee. Accordingly, the coffee concentration can be adjusted by adjusting the amount of coffee cups.