Coffee review

Source of sour taste: coffee cherry fruit (coffee cherry)

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Source of sour taste: although the sour taste of coffee cherry fruit (coffee cherry) is normal, it is not just sour. It is caused by many factors, such as coffee bean itself, treatment, transportation, storage, baking, brewing and so on. When drinking coffee, calmly taste, imagine and compare the sour taste of the coffee.

Source of sour taste: coffee cherry fruit (coffee cherry)

Although the sour taste is normal, it is not just sour. It is caused by many factors, such as coffee bean itself, treatment, transportation, storage, baking, cooking and so on. Sour taste also has delicious acid, comfortable acid or bad acid, annoying acid.

To calmly taste, imagine and compare the sour taste of coffee when drinking coffee is an important process of learning fine coffee.

Comfortable acids include: malic acid, citric acid, grapefruit acid, passion acid, red wine acid, raspberry acid, cherry acid, citrus acid, peach acid, pinetic acid, black vinegar, red vinegar. Wait.

Imagine that the sour taste of fruit appears naturally and distinctive in the mouth, enriching the level of coffee itself, but soft and not too exciting.

The seeds of the red pulp noodles are coffee raw beans after treatment. At this time, the raw beans are green. Like the seeds of ordinary plants, they have to be roasted before they become brown and black, and become ripe coffee beans sold on the market.

If you have learned the basic biology, you know that the purpose of the pulp itself is to provide seed nutrients, so in the process of planting, the original flavor of the pulp will naturally affect the flavor of coffee beans.

So at least first understand that the reason why coffee has fruit acid is reasonable, even this is the real natural state, definitely not rotten or stinky acid.

After understanding that sour taste is not a sin in itself, we try to put aside the stereotype of sour taste.