Coffee review

Safety knowledge about the maintenance of coffee machine

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, 1. Scale treatment: regular scale cleaning for the coffee machine is the most important step in the maintenance of the coffee machine. After using the coffee machine for a period of time, it will retain some scale in the machine. If the scale remains in the coffee machine for a long time, it will cause blockage of the pipeline, a small amount and slow outflow after brewing coffee, and so on. In serious cases, it may even cause the coffee machine to strike. So

1. Scale treatment: regular scale cleaning for the coffee machine is the most important step in the maintenance of the coffee machine. After using the coffee machine for a period of time, it will retain some scale in the machine. If the scale remains in the coffee machine for a long time, it will cause blockage in the pipeline, a small amount and slow outflow after brewing coffee, and so on. In serious cases, it may even cause the coffee machine to "strike". Therefore, it is recommended that you determine a cycle for cleaning scale for the coffee maker according to how often you use the coffee machine.

2. Grease treatment: as we all know, coffee beans will produce some oil during the grinding process, and these oils will be attached to the bean grinder of the coffee machine. When maintaining the coffee machine, in the same way as regularly cleaning the scale, the attached coffee oil also needs to be cleaned regularly. If the coffee oil is not cleaned for a long time, there will be some phenomena such as grinding beans and skidding when using the coffee machine, which will affect the normal use of the coffee machine. When cleaning the coffee oil, if the movement cannot be removed and cleaned by itself, it is recommended to find a professional coffee company to clean the coffee oil on a regular basis.

3, residue disposal: now many coffee machines are equipped with automatic cleaning, which is a very practical function. After each use of the coffee machine, follow the steps in the manual to clean the coffee machine, which can also play the maintenance effect of the coffee machine. When cleaning the coffee machine, you should mainly pay attention to whether the coffee grounds and milk residues are thoroughly washed. If you can't wash the coffee grounds at one time, you might as well wash again or manually clean part of the position, so that a more satisfactory result can be achieved.