Coffee review

Coffee grinder scale adjustment is generally adjusted to several fit-anfim bean grinder scale adjustment

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, The coffee grinder scale is generally adjusted to a few fit-the anfim bean grinder scale to adjust the humidity and storage time of coffee beans is constantly changing, and the wear degree of the bean grinder blade has also changed over time, so the barista should adjust the bean grinder regularly to ensure that the ground coffee powder remains perfect. When the coffee bean enters the grinder, the blade in the grinder will crush the coffee bean into

Coffee grinder scale adjustment is generally adjusted to several fit-anfim bean grinder scale adjustment

The humidity and storage time of coffee beans are constantly changing, and the wear degree of bean grinder blades has also changed over time, so baristas should adjust the bean grinder regularly to ensure that the ground coffee powder remains perfect.

When the coffee bean enters the grinder, the blade in the grinder will crush the coffee bean into powder. The smaller the distance between the blade and the blade, the smaller the coffee beans will be ground into smaller particles. The finer the grinding particles are, the tighter they are, and the more difficult it is for the water to pass through, thus greatly prolonging the extraction time. On the contrary, if the distance between the blades increases, the ground particles will become rougher, the flow of water will be easier to pass through, and the extraction time will be faster. To take a simple example, like stones and fine sand, water flows much faster through stones than fine sand, because there is more space between the stones for the flow of water to pass quickly. Therefore, the correct grinding is very important, and the particle size directly affects the quality of the extraction.

The baking degree can be said to be a variable in a certain range. The bean grinder used in the Italian coffee machine has to be fine-tuned every day. The mocha pot can fill the powder trough to 89 minutes, siphon generally 10-12g per person, and there will be a median on the Italian bean grinder, and 14-16g is usually used for double bowls. The temperature of the water at which coffee is made. Other brewing methods do not need to use Italian bean grinder. Powder quantity, manual most have no scale, siphon pot is generally 3 degrees, mocha pot 2 degrees, but the relative value should be adjusted according to their own habits and bean grinder conditions, brewing time and powder quantity. Each quantity has a certain amount of controllable space, but after each quantity changes, the other quantities have to change accordingly, so if you really want to master brewing skills, you can only rely on experience.