Coffee review

Coffee grinder function which brand is good hand coffee grinder which kind is good

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, 1, should choose the grinding degree suitable for brewing method; 2, grinding temperature should be low; 3, grinding powder should be uniform; 4, before brewing grinding. Coffee beans contain oil Lu, so the grinder must be cleaned after grinding, otherwise the oil will be dirty, and there will be a stale smell for a long time, even if it is

Coffee grinder function which brand is good hand coffee grinder which kind is good

1. The grinding degree suitable for brewing method should be selected;

2. The temperature generated during grinding should be low;

3. The powder after grinding should be uniform;

4. Grind before brewing.

Coffee beans contain oil Lu, so the bean grinder must be cleaned after grinding, otherwise the oil deposits, there will be stale smell for a long time, even if it is more advanced beans, it has been ground into strange powder. After each use of the bean grinder, be sure to wipe the blade machine with wet market and clean the plastic top cover with warm water. But for flavored coffee popular in the United States, the added flavor is strong and heavy, and it will last a long time. It is best to put two spoonfuls of white sugar into it before washing. Of course, it is best to use a grinder to grind only the same kind of beans, so there is no problem of mixing flavors.

Generally speaking, the grinding machine of the ghost tooth grinder is only suitable for grinding single coffee, that is, coffee powder with relatively coarse particles. This type of grinding machine is represented by Japan's Fuji R220 and Taiwan's Yang family's big Pegasus 207N, and the high-end grinding master 875 and Fuji R440 are from the United States. This grinding wheel has excellent balance and thickness in the extraction of coffee flavor compared to flat or conical knives, but it is not as accurate in detail as flat knives. (To put it simply, it is like the difference between the gallbladder machine and the stone machine in the audio). It is often the first choice for ordinary coffee lovers to single product bean grinder! Below I recommend the two bean grinder performance is basically equivalent! But Fuji is about three times the price of the big Pegasus. However, Fuji is small in size and fine in workmanship, which is more suitable for placing in a corner of the home. Big Pegasus is a big cause, alive a silly big rough, but this image does not affect its good grinding products

Bean grinder is generally classified as coffee extraction, divided into single coffee grinder and Italian coffee grinder two categories! According to the structure of the millstone can be divided into flat knife, cone knife, ghost teeth three categories! Classified according to the mode of work can be divided into manual and electric. But whatever the category, my personal advice is to buy the best beangrinder you can afford!