Coffee review

Nova coffee machine display P is what it means to use the tutorial maintenance

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Nova coffee machine display P is what it means to use the tutorial maintenance 1, pipes, boilers: as long as the use of pure water, sustainable use, generally there will be no problem of cleaning. (Do not use tap water, well water); 2, brewing head, handle: the end of the day, brush clean brewing head, clean coffee residue, take out coffee powder tank, can use coffee machine special cleaning powder soaking

Nova coffee machine shows what does P mean to use tutorials for maintenance

1. Pipes, boilers:

As long as the use of pure water, sustainable use, generally there will be no cleaning problem. (do not use tap water or well water)

2. Brewing head, handle:

At the end of the day, clean the brush, clean the brewing head, clean the coffee residue, take out the coffee powder trough, and use the coffee machine for special cleaning.

Soak in powder

One. Power on:

1. Turn on the main switch and the coffee machine can replenish water automatically. If the water level does not meet the requirements, the boiler will not be heated and there will be no hot water and steam.

2. After the completion of automatic water replenishment, the coffee machine enters the normal operation process of heating. At this time, turn on the steam switch first, and turn off the steam switch when there is hot steam coming out of the steam head.

3. When the boiler pressure on the pressure indicator dial reaches about 0.8-1.2, the machine can make coffee normally.

2. Shutdown: 1. Clean the cooking head and the water plate of the machine; 2

Press the first key of the panel and turn off the power supply under the machine. Turn on the steam switch to let the steam in the pot be completely released.