Coffee review

How many grams of coffee beans are concentrated in Italian style? how many grams of raw liquid are extracted by dozen?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Italian concentrated how many grams of coffee beans to extract how many grams of raw liquid [1] surface tension professional words: TAT surface tension is to promote the liquid surface contraction force, in this case refers to a bubble film contraction force. [2] Surfactants: in fact, the soaps and laundry detergents we use in our daily life are all surfactants [3-1]. About polarity, we can use birds of a feather to flock together and people can understand them in groups.

How many grams of coffee beans are concentrated in Italian style? how many grams of raw liquid are extracted by dozen?

[1] Surface tension: TAT surface tension is the force that promotes the contraction of the liquid surface, in this case, it refers to a kind of contraction force of the bubble film.

[2] Surfactants: in fact, our daily soap and washing powder are all surfactants.

[3-1] with regard to the question of polarity, we can understand it as "birds of a feather flock together."

[3-2] in fact, the so-called non-polar parts of fat and protein are also slightly polar, but they are too "different" for water.

There may be some misunderstanding here, because in a single cup, a 15-second coffee and a 30-second coffee look the same-but I guarantee that the colors of the two are absolutely different, if you don't believe it, please take a drop of coffee and drop it on the white paper, so the lighter the Crema, the lighter the coffee, the less dissolved in the coffee. There is an inference that oil is a factor in the rapid disappearance of milk bubbles, and the fat content of arabica is twice as high as that of robusta.

In addition, we also master the process of water loss, a good extraction has a significantly different viscosity than a cup of fast extraction, the latter's crema disappears much faster. Similarly, it depends on the amount of substance in your coffee, so there is a link between the color and stability of crema. Tiger spot is a phenomenon that I do not fully understand, I will continue to study.