Coffee review

Delong coffee machine cleaning steps detergent dilution fault lamp diagram

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Delong coffee machine cleaning steps detergent dilution 7 coffee cinder box indicator light is always on Delong 2000, Delong 3000, Delon 3200, Delong 4000, Delong 4200 coffee machine series the second light is always on from the left, should be in the boot state, take out the coffee cinder box and clean it up. If you operate in the off state, the light will not go out and the machine will not work. For a long time.

Delong coffee machine cleaning step detergent dilution

7 Coffee cinder box indicator is always on

Delong 2000, Delong 3000, Delong 3200, Delong 4000, Delong 4200 coffee machine series

At the bottom, the second light is always on from the left. You should take out the coffee residue box and clean it up when you turn it on. If you operate in the off state, the light will not go out and the machine will not work.

Do not use the coffee machine for a long time, need to press the new machine for the first time, first release steam, and then can operate normally, this will make the coffee machine residual water for a long time out of the body.

Simple judgement of Grinding thickness of Coffee Powder

If the coffee liquid is light and the pressed powder is not shaped, it is loose and damp, and the powder is too coarse.

If the coffee liquid is very black, dripping, not in a straight line, and there is little liquid coming out for a long time, the powder is too fine.

Normally, at first, the coffee liquid is very strong, the liquid is in a straight line, and slowly fades. Pressed powder molding is not loose and not damp.

Diagram of barrier light