Coffee review

Can I use a single bean to make Espresso?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, With regard to the question of the topic, I can tell you clearly: yes. First of all, let's review the definition of single coffee: single coffee is made from a single coffee bean produced in the country of origin, and it is usually consumed without milk or sugar. What is the scope of a single origin? There is no unified standard in the world. From the common names of some items.

With regard to the question of the topic, I can tell you clearly: yes.

First of all, let's review the definition of individual coffee:

Individual coffee is made from a single coffee bean produced in the country of origin and is a pure coffee without milk or sugar when drinking.

What is the scope of a single origin? There is no unified standard in the world. Give examples from the common names of some items. Columbia Superior, or Kenya AA, is classified by country of origin, while Yega Xuefei, the Blue Mountain of Jamaica, is named after the origin within the country, and if it is a certain manor in Guatemala, it obviously comes from a manor with a high level in a certain place of origin. Individual products are also classified by bean seed. Generally speaking, among the three major varieties of coffee, Arabica is better, and Arabica is divided into many subspecies, such as Kaddura, Kaduai, Tibika, bourbon and so on. Some large estates grow more than one kind of beans, so the products will be further subdivided, such as the names such as Huang bourbon in Brazil and Kaddura in so-and-so. There are also some popular methods in the individual products. For example, some estates in Panama will wash their own rose summer with water, sun, honey and other methods to pursue different flavors. Yega Xuefei is also a very popular bean that is used for sun and water washing respectively. At this time, the treatment method should also be considered as a factor in classification. On the other hand, the Brazilian Datra Manor matches its own Kaddura, Kaduai and other four kinds of beans in proportion to the name Sweet Confluence. It is a matter of opinion whether the beans are counted as a single product or a combination, and there is no standard for death.

Single product is the classification of beans, not the classification of extraction.

There are many ways of single product extraction, common is drip filtration, siphon this kind of atmospheric pressure extraction, but pressure extraction is not impossible, such as Italian machine, or mocha pot. American Philharmonic pressure, which is popular in recent years, is also a way between atmospheric pressure and pressure extraction. If you like to pursue the taste of a single product that cannot be reflected under atmospheric pressure, it is not impossible to use an Italian machine to make a single product. There is a professional term for Italian condensation made of single beans, that is, single origin espresso, or Soe for short.

Explain it a little rudely: your beans are single, no matter what kind of equipment you use to extract them. Espresso refers to a unique high-temperature and high-pressure extraction method, technology and technology, regardless of what beans you use.

In addition, due to the different requirements for the degree of grinding, Italian coffee and single product coffee can be divided into Italian mill and single product mill, which are rarely used, because the particles of single product are large and the opportunity extraction of Italian product is insufficient. On the other hand, the particle size of Italian grinding product is small, which can easily lead to excessive extraction under atmospheric pressure.

So, if your curiosity about individual beans explodes, or if you are a tuhao, despite using single beans to do Espresso, medium baking and very fine grinding, you may be able to discover a lot of unique experiences that are usually imperceptible.