Coffee review

Dreamer from five-star hotel: star Coffee

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Key words: baking beans at home, professional and good-looking boss, do you remember the coffee you drank in the hotel? I thought hard and shook my head. That's why I want to make a cup of coffee that you can remember. The boss, Sam, has a firm face. So he, who came from the four Seasons Hotel, jumped out bravely and opened this small cafe with his dreams hidden. A good barista is

Key words: baked beans at home, professional and good-looking boss

"do you remember the coffee you had in the hotel?"

I thought hard and shook my head.

"that's why I want to make a cup of coffee that you can remember." The boss, Sam, has a firm face. So he, who came from the four Seasons Hotel, jumped out bravely and opened this small cafe with his dreams hidden.

A good barista is a thoughtful listener. Knowing that I don't like being too sour, Sam chose a small Salvadoran bean for me-the variety is old and the flavor is more primitive and balanced. Carefully fold the filter paper and put it into the drip filter, and Sam begins to inject hot water from the center of the coffee powder for the first round of "steaming".

"you will find the whole expansion of coffee powder, which is the performance of fresh beans." Sam's gentle explanation makes people feel like a spring breeze. After cooking, Sam will taste it first. The professional service quality cultivated by five-star hotels is reflected incisively and vividly in him.

The eye-catching oil painting wall in the coffee shop is a display of Sam's childhood dream. Perhaps for the dream pursuer, these coffee beans, which are traveling around the world with fragrance, are the stars he most wants to capture now.

SAM, director of Star Coffee.

Q: what kind of taste experience do you want to bring to your guests?

A: a balanced, soft taste experience.

Q: what would you focus on when you go to a new coffee shop from the perspective of people in the industry?

A:1. At least two or more bean grinders for excellence; 2. Bake your own beans; 3. The attitude of the shop assistant.

Per capita: 35 yuan

Address: no. 17, Liuyun first street, Tianhe road, Guangzhou

Tel: 13570452735