Coffee review

The whole world is learning from Starbucks, but Starbucks is learning from Haidilao.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Starbucks has made another move to learn from inside and outside the industry to buy insurance for employees' parents. I just don't know if you have noticed that when the whole world is learning from Starbucks, Starbucks is showing more and more oriental management philosophy like a haystack. Starbucks and Haidilao, a coffee shop, a hot pot restaurant, a western, an eastern, seemingly far away, but the essence of its success is

Starbucks has made another move to learn from both inside and outside the industry-- buying insurance for employees' parents.

I just don't know if you have noticed that when the whole world is learning from Starbucks, Starbucks is showing more and more oriental management philosophy like a haystack.

Starbucks and Haidilao, a coffee shop, a hot pot restaurant, a western one, an eastern one, seem far away, but the essence of their success is the same.

Buy insurance for employees' parents, Starbucks brushes "good company" new height again

These days, a piece of news has made Starbucks once again a "other people's company" that netizens are talking about:

Starting from June 1 this year, all full-time partners (employees) who have worked in the Starbucks China proprietary market for two years and whose parents are under the age of 75 will enjoy a new "Parental Care Program"-parental serious illness insurance provided by the company.

Recently, Howard Schultz, the current executive chairman of Starbucks Coffee Company's board of directors, announced the plan when he came to China to give a speech.

The insurance will cover 30 common diseases, including cancer, heart disease and surgery. The first batch is expected to benefit 10,000 parents of Starbucks' more than 1,000 stores in China.

This is the first time that Starbucks has launched the program worldwide, which shows that Starbucks attaches great importance to the Chinese market.

At present, Starbucks has more than 2600 stores in China and will expand at the rate of "opening 500 stores a year" in the future. As a result, Starbucks headquarters called the Chinese market the "second home market".

"I wouldn't be surprised if one day there are more Starbucks stores in China than in the United States," Schultz said in an interview with the US financial media. "

In addition, this is also in line with Starbucks'"employee first" corporate values.

Previously, there has been a saying in the catering industry that "a Starbucks manager cannot be poached with an annual salary of 500000", which is closely related to the "invisible benefits" that Starbucks offers to its employees.

Since 2011, for example, Starbucks has invited parents to attend its employees' annual meetings; all employees, including part-time employees, can enjoy "coffee bean stock" each year, in which each employee can receive stock options equivalent to 14% of his or her annual salary; in addition, Starbucks has also set up a "Star Fund" to provide necessary financial assistance to employees in critical situations or in urgent need.

It is reported that Starbucks will spend millions of dollars a year on the benefits of the Parental Care Program, but it is clear that the move will play a positive role in retaining employees and easing their worries.

Starbucks VS Haidilao, where is Duniu?

Starbucks' approach makes people naturally think of Haidilao.

When the whole world is learning Starbucks' standardization, learning how to turn its products into a way of life, its training system, and even its table and chair design, music choices, and so on, you may not find that Starbucks is showing more and more oriental management philosophy in a haystack.

1. People-oriented organizational culture

Both Starbucks and Haidilao believe that "employees come first".

In Haidilao's view, employees are the biggest customers within the enterprise. Only by serving the employees well can they serve the customers well.

At Starbucks, employees are called "partners". Father Xing also stressed many times that "the spire of the value pyramid of Starbucks is the employees" and "the partner in the green apron is the core of Starbucks."

two。 Pay attention to the emotional link with employees

In Haidilao, as long as you are above the lobby manager, you can pay a pension to your parents.

Most of the undersea fishing workers are from the countryside, and their parents do not have old-age insurance at home. Haidilao uses the "pension" to take good care of the parents of the backbone employees of the company, so that the employees can work at ease.

The parents of the lobby manager can get 200 yuan a month for old age, while the store can get a pension of 800 yuan a month, which is 9600 yuan for the whole year.

Starbucks' Parental Care Program is also catering to these traditional values.

There are usually three ways to retain people: treatment, career and emotion.

In terms of input-output ratio, caring for parents is more emotional than welfare. Haidilao once had a simple explanation for this: let the parents of the employees leave their children in the company for us!

3. Emphasize the core idea of the enterprise with humanities

Haidilao Zhang Yong said: we have established the core concept of "changing fate with both hands" to unite employees. What I want to convey is that as long as we follow the creed of diligence, dedication and integrity, our hands can change something.

Star father Schultz said: kindness, compassion, humanistic spirit, love, these words may not often appear in business school textbooks. But this is precisely the cornerstone of building a long-term, lasting and prosperous enterprise.

There is also a detail-oriented humanized management and an incentive mechanism for all staff to share dividends / equity. Although one coffee, one hot pot, one west, one east, in a sense, the essence of success is the same.

This may also explain why Huang Tieying said that you can learn fur services such as "Children's Paradise", free manicure and free shoes shining, but "you can't learn Haidilao". Why Jack Ma said that Starbucks is not just a cup of coffee, but also an attitude towards life, Starbucks clerks' smiling faces are not trained.

What is the strength of a powerful enterprise?

In fact, more and more excellent enterprises begin to solve the worries of their employees.

Wang Pin, who is famous for his organizational strength in the catering industry, pursues "We are Family", treats customers as benefactors, treats colleagues as family members, and earns money together.

Wang Pin has set up six internal funds as emergency assistance for colleagues or scholarships for employees' children. Female employees can ask for physical leave without a leave order, and pregnant women can go home and have a rest if they do not feel fit to report to the store manager. In addition, Wang Pin has also set up a rescue fund funded by the chairman of the board, which is mainly aimed at emergency relief for employees' families with major diseases.

There are more examples outside the catering industry. a recent example is that, who scrubbed his screen with Starbucks these days, recently set up a free staff kindergarten at headquarters in addition to providing free shuttle buses and free canteens.