Coffee review

Who is suitable for learning coffee? What about the outlook?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Who is more suitable for learning? 1: Interested in baristas, bartenders, tea artists and cake makers (because interest is the best teacher) 2: Want to have a skill and want to seek development in the hotel catering, leisure and entertainment industry 3: Students from colleges and universities who want to work and study and students preparing to go abroad 4: Students and teachers majoring in hotel management and tourism management 5:


Who is more suitable for learning?

1: those who are interested in baristas, bartenders, tea artists and pastry chefs (because interest is the best teacher)

2: those who want to have a skill and seek development in the hotel catering, leisure and entertainment industry

3: students in colleges and universities who want to work-study programs and students preparing to go abroad

4: students and teachers majoring in hotel management and tourism management

5: pre-invest in coffee, west point, bar and teahouse industry

6: add flavor to life and provide personal taste

7: those who want to go to other places for development based on their own skills

8: there are other ideas you want to learn

What are the requirements for learning baristas?

Junior high school, high school, university, and social youth over the age of 16.

Study time: 30-40 days

Form of learning: full-time training

Issuing certificates: "Intermediate baristas" or "Senior baristas" certificates are common throughout the country.

What are the prospects of learning baristas?

At present, the QQ274633300 middle and senior baristas graduated from our school are recommended for employment.

According to statistics: at present, professional baristas have 70% more promotion opportunities in catering enterprises than non-professional baristas.

Professional prospects and course introduction: