Coffee review

What procedures do I need to go through to open a coffee shop? What do you need to pay attention to?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Generally speaking, to open a coffee shop, you need to go through four procedures, including store audit, health license, business license and tax registration. First, the coffee shop name audit simply depends on whether your coffee shop name conforms to the standard or not. at the same time, see if someone else has already used it. This needs to be done with the Bureau of Industry and Commerce, and consult the department for industry and commerce for details. II. Hygiene permit

Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own.

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Generally speaking, there are four procedures for opening a coffee shop, including store audit, health permit, business license and tax registration.

I. Coffee shop name audit

To put it simply, this is mainly to see whether the name of your coffee shop conforms to the specification, and to see if someone else has already used it. You need to go to the Bureau of Industry and Commerce for details and consult the department of industry and commerce for details.

II. Health permit, required materials:

In the catering industry, a hygiene permit is essential. This has to be done by the health and epidemic prevention department and after the name of the coffee shop has been examined and approved, the required materials are as follows:

1. Application report, claimed, information filled in

2. "Application for Health permit of the Health Bureau" is also claimed.

3. A copy of the notice of pre-approval of the enterprise name, which is the certificate of the examination and approval of the coffee shop name above.

4. the list of health management organizations and various health management systems, which can be filled in as required.

5. Construction project design drawings, mainly including (plan, ventilation and exhaust system drawing, equipment layout drawing, water supply and drainage system drawing, lampblack exhaust system drawing)

6. Health certificate for employees

Third, industrial and commercial registration, that is, the business license, if you open a shop in the name of individual industrial and commercial households, the information you need to provide:

1. One inch photo

2. 1 copy of ID card

3. The certificate of the place of business is your real estate certificate or lease contract

4. Hygiene permit, which has been done above.

5. If you open a coffee shop in the name of the company, there will be more formalities, including articles of association, shareholder agreement, capital verification certificate and so on.

IV. Tax registration:

Now there is no need to do the tax registration certificate, because the industrial and commercial business license already includes the business license, the organization code, and the tax registration certificate. It is mentioned here that some friends are still asking this point, which is more important, so make a special explanation.

The above procedures are needed to open a cafe. If you have any questions about details, you can consult the relevant departments by telephone. Generally speaking, the procedures for opening a coffee shop are relatively simple. As long as the information is complete, it is easy to apply.

To be a cafe, it is far from enough to know coffee.

To be able to choose a location, you need a basic understanding of the real estate industry

To understand design, you need to understand the decoration industry

You need to know how to register a company, as well as the financial problems related to the company

You need to understand "social insurance and house fund" thoroughly from the point of view of the boss, not the employees.

You need to know what to do with water, electricity and natural gas.

You need to keep track of the vegetable and fruit markets.

You need to understand all the laws and regulations of the catering industry.


I am not scaremongering, because if any of the above links are not handled properly, you may fall into a "pit" and allow months of hard work-it may be a fine for industry and commerce or fire fighting, a sudden change of heart from the landlord, a POS (Point of Sale Intelligence Management system) fraud, or a premeditated encounter.

Opening a coffee shop is a pleasure, and it brings you more spiritual enjoyment than opening a Lanzhou ramen restaurant, but at the same time, opening a coffee shop is also painful, it will bring you more hard work and frustration: this is the real experience of opening a coffee shop.