Coffee review

The business model of the characteristic coffee shop mainly sells the model.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Following Cafe Review (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own to choose a customer base according to the characteristics of its core products, in most cases, the core products were not coffee itself, but such as porcelain, carpets, handicrafts, specialty meals, special events and other highly attractive and competitive products. This is like the principle of fishing. You have to choose first.

Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own.

Select the customer base according to the characteristics of their own core products, in most cases, the core products are not coffee itself, but such as porcelain, carpets, handicrafts, special meals, special activities and other very attractive and competitive products. This is like the principle of fishing, first choose the kind of fish to catch, and then prepare the bait for fishing.

Select the business location with reasonable rent according to the customer base, that is, choose the right place and the right place, which is equivalent to finding out where the fish are and where to fish. To evaluate whether the rent is reasonable, we should focus on whether the effective passenger flow is sufficient and whether the customer capture rate is high enough. First of all, calculate the average daily rent and staff wages, utilities, and so on, such as daily rent of 600 yuan, wages and miscellaneous expenses of 400 yuan. According to the profit margin of 70%, the daily running water of about 1430 yuan can be leveled. Calculated with the consumption of 20 yuan per person, it is necessary to receive 72 people to break even. According to the 10% customer capture rate of the general coffee shop, the daily effective flow of people in this area must be more than 700 in order to be flat. If the effective flow of people is insufficient, it proves that the rent is too high.

Personalization is changing the pattern of the coffee industry, and the consumption of western food carried by those large and complex cafes is also constantly dispelling. In the coffee industry, the birth of each personalized cafe will bring new expressions of coffee culture, new consumption habits, new markets, and new business models. The personalized coffee shop chain market has emerged in the eyes of entrepreneurs. According to a survey report by CPR catering Research Sipu Catering data Research, an authoritative catering market research institute, the success rate of personalized coffee shop chain is as high as 87.5%, which is the highest success rate of all coffee shop models at present. And with the increasing number of coffee lovers, China, which has the most potential coffee market in the world, has more room for development.

The future is bright, but the realization is cruel. In Chinese cafes, their business models must be subjected to the torture of many personalities in this market. They are like a flock of bees trapped in a glass bottle, working hard to find a way out, but the sound of hitting the wall continues one after another. Many bees see the fat market, but can not cross the bottleneck of profitability. It seems that Yingshi Coffee is becoming a bee flying out of a glass bottle. The reporter interviewed Yu Wenfang, general manager of Yingshi Coffee, that is, Yu Wenfang, the designer of the model, to observe how he dealt with the inherent confusion in the Chinese coffee market and the unreasonable ones in the market that haunted the overall development of the market. How will Yingshi Coffee design innovative Yingshi Coffee solutions to these puzzles?


The solution is unreasonable.

The first thing Yingshi Coffee has to face is the particularity and complexity of China's coffee market. The first thing to bear the brunt of these irrationality is the lack of personalization. With the continuous increase in the number of cafes, the rise in raw materials and logistics costs, the continuous price war and the increase in marketing costs, in such a market environment, in order to avoid fierce competition in the same industry, as new entrants, cafes should have obvious differences and characteristics. However, at present, the products and services of cafes are homogenized in headquarters. There are no very obvious differences and characteristics, even if there are differences.

Another unreasonable is that the operation system cannot stand the test of the market.

There is no direct store or it is just a sample store for recruiting franchisees, most of which fail because of unproven business models, management guidance divorced from the reality of the market and fragmented operation systems. If you choose to give up joining and adopt a single-store business model, it often takes a long time to explore the operation system, perhaps before this management method is mature, the store can not be maintained because of more detours.

Another "unreasonable" is that location and location cannot be matched scientifically.

The positioning and operation system of specialty coffee shops are difficult to copy. In the past few years, some new entrants blindly follow the trend, copy the model of some characteristic coffee shops, location and positioning can not be matched scientifically, and have become the biggest killer of coffee shop death.

The last prominent "unreasonable" profit model is single.

With the development of personalized consumer demand and higher and higher requirements for food nutrition and health, cafes need to build R & D centers to meet the changing consumer needs. However, in order to establish an R & D center, it requires not only large investment in R & D, but also professional skills and market grasp, which cannot be invested and controlled by a single store.

Yingshi's solution

There are a lot of questions about how to find a breakthrough. Yingshi Coffee is first of all re-examined and analyzed from the whole industry price chain. The crux of the problem is how to complete personalization, performance personalization, and then personalization must be considered is that this segment of the market is large enough, and can be proved by the majority of consumers their value. There is an important character in the pattern design of Yingshi Coffee, which is to analyze and adapt to the unreasonable components. Not with other walk the same model to do price war, but to find a more suitable model for the market, process changes to guide investors. What Yingshi Coffee needs to do is to provide a competitive franchise plan, which has the following key points.

First, Yingshi Coffee has the ability to identify personalized cafes.

Yingshi Cafe has its own distinct differences and characteristics, which are mainly manifested in the diversification and personalization of the composition of ① goods; the diversification and personalization of ② commodity management; the richness and intimacy of ③ commodity information; the diversification and personalization of ④ service and customer management; and the diversification and personalization of ⑤ service personnel.

This business feature can be identified by consumers and other brands. Yingshi headquarters not only serves as the patron of the franchisee's integrity, but also provides continuous professional and technical assistance for the franchisee. Yingshi headquarters and franchisees really share a brand and share products and service technology. This is indeed a shortcut to success for inexperienced franchisees.

Second, to establish a sound operation and management system.

Yingshi has stood out in the cruel market competition through four years of exploration in the operation of direct stores. At present, Yingshi already has a perfect operation and management system: the human resources management system is responsible for the shaping of corporate culture, the selection and training of talents; the product research and development and quality control system is committed to the development of new products and the monitoring of food quality in all cafes; the restaurant marketing management system effectively supports and supervises the management, service and market planning of each coffee shop. This set of operation system is the result of Yingshi's many years of practice and repeated optimization. Yingshi franchisees can get systematic management training and business help, so as to grasp the laws of the market and avoid detours.

Third, the location and location are closely combined.

Li Ka-shing once said: "place, place or place." Different locations are suitable for different business models. " Through accurate market analysis and years of market practice, Yingshi has formed a targeted and replicable business model for different locations and business circles to ensure the success of franchisees.

The fourth is to realize profit diversification.

Yingshi coffee shop makes profits in a variety of ways, in addition to the traditional coffee shop catering sales, Yingshi Lacob coffee, Yingshi love chocolate, I love afternoon sunshine flower and fruit tea have become an important part of the coffee shop's income. In order to meet the needs of the Chinese market and continuously launch new products, Yingshi headquarters has spent a lot of money to set up Yingshi R & D Center and Coffee and Health Research Center. Product research and development center in-depth exploration of western food and coffee culture continues to launch new products, to competitors to launch best-selling products to achieve rapid response. The Coffee and Health Research Center focuses on the nutrition and health of Yingshi products to guide consumers to eat healthily.

Open a successful coffee shop

After four years of direct exploration, Yingshi Coffee opened to join in 2010, and Yingshi believes that the time has come. This decision is mainly based on the following three market changes: first, the consumption development trend is personalized, the coffee shop is no longer a simple coffee window, it is aimed at a cultural and leisure market. Therefore, in order to adapt to the changes of the times and the needs of modern consumers, no matter chain coffee shops or independent specialty stores, we must take the road of personalized development as soon as possible. Second, the characteristic coffee shop market is still a blank spot. Nowadays, a large number of coffee shops have been involved in diversified operation, but their diversified projects are not things that consumers urgently need, but things that ordinary consumers do not need very much. it does not provide consumers with a kind of "convenience" for consumption. Many coffee shops in China basically operate according to the specialized beverage business model, but most of them are old-fashioned, except for some differences in store decoration, product prices, variety and quantity, service standards and business hours. It is almost difficult to find coffee shops with personalized operation. Third, consumer behavior is personalized, with the improvement of people's living standards, personality color has gradually become fashion, diversification, personalization has become a standard of consumption. As for the choice of food and beverage, consumers have now formed the concept of "buying the product that suits me best" and "what can't I buy as long as I like it?"

For a successful coffee shop, looking for a franchise is indeed a faster way to get rich. However, Yingshi does not think so. They think that doing well and being strong is the most important thing. It is true that fast joining can bring rich rewards in the short term, but the uncontrollable management quality can easily destroy a brand. So in the future plan of Yingshi Coffee, opening a store will always be the second place, and it is more meaningful to open a successful store than to open and close countless stores. When a brand appears in every corner of the city like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, we sigh the appeal of the brand and worry about the threat of crazy store opening to the management burden of the brand. It is more important to open a store in good faith and achieve a win-win situation with the franchisee than how much money you earn. The territory of Yingshi Coffee is not in a hurry to replicate the opening of a store in a city, but more importantly, what kind of people are operating and managing Yingshi Coffee. Of course, Yingshi Coffee is very cautious about the choice of investment partners. It will always be stressed that whether it is a coffee shop of nearly 1000 meters or a coffee shop of 50 square meters, it is an investment behavior, so it is necessary to be cautious and conduct a reasonable risk assessment. To know what kind of store you open, it is far from enough to rely on entrepreneurial passion alone. the first thing is to evaluate whether it is suitable for you. The second is to prepare abundant funds, especially the supplement of follow-up funds, which is also the key to success. Third, when everything is ready, go all out to do it.

The key to Yingshi's success and becoming a sustainable evergreen tree is that Yingshi aims at a crucial problem that makes customers feel pain, and then bring customers joy with convincing products and services that meet the operating standards of the Yingshi brand, so that more people can release their dream of coffee.