Coffee review

Regular coffee shop management model, how to run individual coffee shop

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own and ran a personality coffee shop. The advantages of running a personality store (1) flexible investment. Owners can make flexible investment plans according to their own funds, and can open stores in 100000, 300000 and 500000. (2) area. There is no requirement. Thirty to fifty square meters can also be opened. Therefore, the rent is low and the operating expenses are low.

Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own.

Run a personalized coffee shop

1. The advantages of running a personality store

(1) flexible investment. Owners can make flexible investment plans according to their own funds, and can open stores in 100000, 300000 and 500000.

(2) area. There is no requirement. Thirty to fifty square meters can also be opened. Therefore, the rent is low and the operating cost is low.

(3) decoration. You can decide the decoration style according to your own taste and will, and the characteristics are not necessarily proportional to the input. You can do big things with a little money.

(4) equipment and materials. You can freely select suppliers from the market, choose suitable performance-to-price ratio, suitable for yourself and save investment costs.

(5) Humanistic characteristics. Compared with the brand coffee shop which requires a unified style, the personalized coffee shop is more able to highlight the humanistic characteristics of the storefront, especially some themed coffee shops, which can give full play to the owner's personality and hobbies, or according to a specific customer base, launch corresponding personalized services.


two。 The disadvantages of running a personalized coffee shop

The survival rate of individual coffee shops is low, only 40%. There are two main reasons for the low survival rate of personality coffee shops:

(1) lack of research in the early stage. Most owners did not make detailed market research and analysis in the early stage, relying entirely on subjective judgment rather than professional guidance to promote the whole process, such as ignoring the importance of location, lack of necessary understanding of coffee culture, lack of clear positioning, and so on. The problems in these links directly lead to the business crisis after opening.

(2) the ability of anti-risk is poor. Usually, the investment strength of the owner of a personalized coffee shop is limited, and if he has not made an accurate investment plan before, he may invest all his start-up costs. Once the profit situation after opening is far from the expectation of the owner, it will lead to the failure of the investment because there is not enough liquidity to support the operation. Comparison between functional Coffee Shop and theme Coffee Shop

If you choose to invest in a personalized coffee shop, you must also decide whether to open a functional coffee shop with regional functions or a themed coffee shop with its own personality and characteristics. this will determine whether owners use their limited funds to pay high rents or invest more in theme content development. Below we make the following specific analysis on the two kinds of coffee shops. As to which kind of coffee shop to choose, it depends on the reader's personal preference and objective situation.

(1) functional coffee shop.

To open a functional coffee shop, location has become a crucial task. Experts believe that owners should spend more than 90% of their energy on site selection. Generally speaking, drinking coffee belongs to entertainment and leisure communication activities, typical areas are shopping centers, cinemas, high-end communities, office buildings, colleges and universities, etc., and the radiation range of functional coffee shops is about 500 meters.

In addition, there is a special area, that is, the bar-coffee shop characteristic street. Such as Sanlitun, Shici in Beijing, the west gate of the University of Science and Technology, and the vicinity of the 798 factory belong to this kind of area. Due to the accumulation of a certain number of bars and coffee shops, this kind of place has formed a stable number of entertainment consumers, which can reduce business pressure for owners.

(2) theme coffee shop.

The location of the theme coffee shop does not have to choose a commercial location, so the rent will be reduced a lot, and more of the money saved can be invested in the corresponding theme content. The rich content of the theme, the degree of professionalism and the planning of activities related to the theme are the main factors for the theme coffee shop to attract passenger flow, so its business radius can also break through the conventional business circle radius. The movie themes of coffee shops such as "carving time" and "Box" in Beijing, and the tourism theme of "Walking in a hurry" coffee shop have attracted many admiring enthusiasts. However, experts point out that if owners do not have the advantages of theme resources, nor do they have the interest and funds to continue to excavate and enrich the content of the theme, it is not recommended to locate the theme coffee shop.

Investment budget for operating individual coffee shops

Investment budget list (take a 100-square-meter personality coffee shop as an example).

1. Start-up fund

(1) Investment in decoration:

① decoration design cost: 5%-8% of the project budget cost.

② indoor and outdoor decoration expenses (walls, floors, ceiling, doors and windows, lighting): decoration costs are related to the area, style, positioning, types of meals, geographical location, investment quota, decoration materials and many other factors of the coffee shop.

③ water, electricity, air conditioning, ventilation, plumbing costs.

The cost of ④ kitchen project.

⑤ bathroom fee.

⑥ bar charge.

Fees for ⑦ signboards and guide systems.

⑧ other decoration fee.

Decoration investment subtotal: more than 100000 yuan.

(2) equipment investment:

① basic equipment (audio, refrigerator, smoothie machine, ice maker, refrigerated cake cabinet): related to the performance parameters and grade of the equipment.

② cups, wine sets, cutlery, menus and other items: related to the number of seats in the coffee shop, the type and grade of meals and drinks.

③ coffee related equipment: Italian coffee machine, coffee bean grinder, water softener, drip filter coffee machine (optional), powder cartridge, cloth powder, cream gun and so on.'

④ other kitchen equipment (no investment if light meals are not provided): stove, range hood, console, seasoning desk, sideboard, dishwasher, steam or disinfector, freezer, microwave, other cooking utensils and knives.

Equipment investment subtotal: more than 100000 yuan.

two。 Operating expenses

Ten months of operating expenses should be set aside in the investment plan.

(1) fixed fee:

① rent: related to area, location and other factors. The monthly rent is usually no less than 100 yuan per square meter.

② salary (including benefits, meals, subsidies, etc.): related to area, type of food, quality of staff, business hours and other factors. Business hours are from 10:00 to 2 p.m., two shifts are required. If a light meal is not provided, there will be no less than 2 employees in one shift. The monthly salary per person is not less than 600 yuan.

Depreciation of ③ fixed assets: related to the total value of fixed assets and the years of amortization.

(2) variable fees:

① water, electricity, gas, telephone charges, etc.: in proportion to turnover.

② industry and commerce, taxation, health.

③ raw material cost (including transportation, packaging).

④ advertising.

⑤ other expenses, non-operating expenses.

⑥ financial expenses (if there is a loan proportion of the investment raised).

Total ⑦ operating expenses: monthly operating expenses are not less than 15000 yuan. Set aside 10 months of operating expenses that is 150000 yuan. The total investment in the coffee shop is more than 450000 yuan.

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The coffee shop has a good business orientation.

Coffee shop is a kind of retail industry, which is the last link in which goods are transferred to consumers. Due to different operating conditions and contents, various specialized stores are produced, including clothing, food, housing, transportation, education, entertainment and other life-related goods. Cafes belong to the category of food, but the main goal is the category of fun. Because of the direct contact with consumption, the changes of consumption consciousness and consumption structure of coffee can be reflected in the operation of cafes. Therefore, the operation of cafes, the understanding of consumers' life style and the determination of customers are the premise of opening a shop.

Merchandise as an overall strategy, for cafes, also needs to be paid attention to. All commodity-related activities, such as business planning, coffee procurement, coffee development, stock management, and even logistics commodity business, are closely related to the strengthening of the commodity power of cafes.

The most direct thing about excellent service is that when waiting for guests, the service staff of cafes should have elegant posture, pay attention to clothing, make-up and other appearance; when receiving customers, they should have appropriate expressions and attitudes. All waiters should have a wealth of coffee knowledge, timely explanation for customers, but also have the ability to negotiate. In addition, the interior decoration facilities, charming and aesthetic bar furnishings, and store lighting should be used effectively, and the publicity effect of advertising media should be further strengthened, and various service facilities should be provided. In short, the service capacity of cafes must use the comprehensive activities of various factors such as "people", "equipment", "convenience" and so on.

What should be paid attention to in the management and operation of coffee shops?

It's easy to open a coffee shop, as long as you have a budget, but it's hard to run a coffee shop, and it takes many subtle conditions to succeed (saying that success is too serious, because it's hard to survive or break even. In today's first-tier cities), because there are many expenditure items and more upfront investment, it is difficult to maintain the profit and loss balance with a few items of expenditure, and those with insufficient funds should be more careful. The order of the items to be decided first for the cafe is as follows:

The type case positioning of the store

Type: pure business cafe or light meal cafe, compound bar or personality cafe.

Price: parity, medium price or high price, there should be a clear price positioning.

Service mode: self-service, semi-self-service or full-service or leisure catering and entertainment.

Orientation of host and guest groups: business people, office workers, families, students, tour groups, art salons.

Menu determines: give consideration to bar design, kitchen equipment and machine positioning.

Estimated turnover: set turnover, passenger unit price, number of seats, economic scale.

A good port and an appropriate location is the key to choosing a coffee business, as a friend once said: if a coffee shop can choose a good and appropriate point, the success rate of operation is more than 70%. If we fish in a very light position, then do not expect to have a good harvest. Similarly, in places where customers' footprints are sparse, no matter how magnificent shops are built and how attractive coffee is displayed, sales are difficult to achieve. The sales principle of cafes is to build shops (commonly known as "ports") in places that can fully attract customers. Especially small-scale cafes, because they do not have other comprehensive skills like large cafes, so they should pay more attention to the choice of location, which will be the starting point for the success of cafes.

Excellent coffee in the cafe, the composition of coffee must be very strong, no matter which kind of coffee, if the price is on the high side, or the coffee quality is poor, the composition is not complete, or the inventory of coffee is not enough, it will immediately affect sales, and naturally it will not be easy to increase fixed customers. In the operation of coffee shops, they have to face not only competition from various cafes in the region, but also competition from various shops, so "the beauty of coffee" has become the basis for the success of shops.