Coffee review

A coffee shop that sells only one kind of coffee is in Zhengzhou, Henan Province.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, A coffee shop sells only one kind of coffee; this dozens of square meters coffee shop was decorated at a cost of only 7000 yuan, and it took only a week from decoration to trial operation.

The decoration in Guipu House is simple and elegant, very fresh.

A coffee shop sells only one kind of coffee; this dozens of square meters coffee shop was decorated at a cost of only 7000 yuan, and it took only a week from decoration to trial operation.

Can you imagine what such a store would look like?

Very special.

A coffee shop that sells only one kind of coffee

When you walk into a clothing store that sells only one style of clothes, you must think that the boss has forgotten to restock-there are all kinds of styles for selling underwear.

If you walk into a restaurant that sells only one kind of food, you will think that the boss is too lazy-there are many flavors for selling steamed buns.

However, in Ah Ping's coffee shop, you can really only order one kind of coffee-like his name, this kind of coffee is called Guipu Coffee.

Ah Ping said that coffee has always been defined as a necessity for petty bourgeoisie life. "I'm not in a coffee shop. I'm on my way to a coffee shop." I hope coffee can be more life-oriented.

Freshly ground coffee beans, good sugar and milk, mixed according to the ratio developed by oneself, is a cup of Guipu coffee.

"I've been to all kinds of coffee shops, high prices, fancy names, adding all kinds of spice additives for the taste, and I've always wanted to find a cup of coffee I like."

After a long circle, Ah Ping decided to make his own coffee and asked a group of friends who owned a coffee shop. After several failures, he finally found his most satisfactory taste.

Low cost

The decoration cost only 7000 yuan.

Ping has made all kinds of entrepreneurial attempts since he graduated from university. his last role was as a Japanese and Korean chef.

However, after doing it for a while, Ah Ping decided to go back to his favorite: the coffee shop owner.

When Ah Ping first started his business, he once opened a coffee shop in partnership with others. It was a chain store that joined him. As a result of his hard work, he earned only enough money to pay the rent and franchise fee.

This time, Ping tried to open a coffee shop at the lowest cost.

The house is chosen in an office building on University Road in Zhengzhou. Compared with the store, the rent is much lower.

Decoration, he Amoy back from the market one by one, do-it-yourself layout, "see friends there like decorations, I will come over, put in the store."

Ping's coffee shop is very simple, a row of couches, a small rattan table, several long tables, plus lovely accessories, books, just fine.

Along the corner of the store, there was a row of colorful small stones, bright in color and lovely in shape. "this is the collection of one of my friends, and I 'robbed' it."

In the end, the decoration cost only 7000 yuan, and he opened this small coffee shop.

Business classics

The promotion method is mainly the mouth of familiar customers.

Because it is opened in an office building, Ah Ping's coffee shop is not as popular as the street shop, but A Ping said that it also has advantages, that is, it is quiet, there are many regular customers, and communication is convenient. "when I first started business, I thought of a lot of ways to attract customers, sending out Wechat, leaflets, and acquaintances. Later, I found that in opening a shop in an office building, regular customers are the most important, that is to say, my promotion method is mainly the mouth of regular customers."

So, how to keep regular customers? Ah Ping's way is to do theme activities.

Because of the cooking, Ah Ping will customize small parties for door-to-door customers, from coffee and snacks to light meals, which can be done with one phone call.

Because most of the customers are white-collar workers, A Ping introduced a very popular "cash flow" game in the financial white-collar circle to simulate the real workplace and exercise the participants' financial management ability through investment and income.

"I will also communicate with each client, remember each person's occupation and needs, and then look for people with potential cooperation in my own circle of friends, or in my customer base, and conduct a dating activity based on business cooperation." Ping said.

Now, many white-collar workers in the same building will spend the day here with computers, or when they are talking about business, they will easily chat with their business partners.

Ah Ping said that he is a very life-oriented and relaxed person, and he hopes that his own coffee and his own shop can also bring this feeling to others.

Shop news of the Wandian Alliance

Yesterday, Ms. Xu from Putian contacted the reporter that she had a 10-square-meter house for rent on the local snack street, which was suitable for making snacks.

Reader Mr. Chen sells 101square meters of shops at the northwest corner of Suoling Road and Guoji Road at a price of 2.55 million yuan. The existing tenants are suitable for training, snacks, beauty salons, hardware department stores and other businesses.