Coffee review

Matters needing attention in the selection and use of dripping coffee pots

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, For coffee lovers, it is very important to choose the right coffee utensils. I will briefly introduce some basic knowledge about the coffee pot. The choice and purchase of the coffee pot 1. From the use specification, the power of the household coffee pot is less than 1000 watts, and the capacity can be 0.5-0.8L. The coffee pot of this specification can make 4-8 cups of coffee. If you are interested in coffee

For coffee lovers, it is very important to choose the right coffee utensils. I will briefly introduce some basic knowledge about the coffee pot.

The selection and purchase of coffee pot

1. In terms of specifications, the power of the household coffee pot is less than 1000 watts, and the capacity can be 0.5-0.8L. The coffee pot of this specification can make 4-8 cups of coffee. If the demand for coffee is relatively large, you can also buy a slightly larger capacity, but it is best not to exceed 1.5L.

2. When choosing a coffee pot, you should pay attention to check the appearance quality. No matter what kind of coffee pot, the exterior should be color-coordinated and finely made. If there are damaged or rough parts, it is not recommended to buy them. In addition, be sure to check whether the bottom of the kettle is leaking, which is the most basic requirement.

3. Since many coffee pots work under pressure, safety is very important. Be sure to choose products of guaranteed quality when buying, so as to avoid danger.

4. People who like dripping coffee are suitable to use hand brewing, siphon and French presser. The coffee made from this kind of pot is light in taste. People who like espresso are suitable to use mocha pots, which are often very mellow in taste.

5. If you are a novice and are not proficient in coffee production, it is recommended to use American drip pots, French presses and mocha pots. If you are very familiar with coffee production skills, you can buy hand punch pots and siphon pots.

The use of coffee pots

1. After buying the coffee pot, boil two pots of boiling water before using it for the first time, so that you can remove the smell from the pot.

Like most household appliances, the coffee pot cannot be boiled empty. be sure to turn on the power after filling the water and coffee, and do not turn on the electricity in the empty pot. When making coffee, you should also pay attention to the water level in the pot at any time. If the water is about to dry up, the power must be cut off in time, otherwise the kettle will be burned out.

3. The electric coffee pot should not be dry-fired, and at the same time, do not add too much water, otherwise the overflow of boiling water will wet the electric heating element. Be careful not to splash the electrical parts of the kettle when adding water.

4. Wait for the kettle to cool before cleaning with clean water. Try not to use sandy material and soda water when cleaning, otherwise the surface of the kettle will be damaged.

5. When cleaning the coffee pot, the pot body can not be directly immersed in water. The filter screen and filter should be cleaned separately. Other parts should be wiped with a clean soft cloth. The coffee powder on the edge of the coffee container should also be removed, otherwise it will affect the service life of the rubber gasket.

6. The coffee pot should be removed regularly during use, but not too frequently. It is enough to remove scale 2-5 times a year according to the use.

Types of coffee pots

Common coffee pots include French presses, mocha pots, siphon pots, trickling pots and so on. The coffee made from the coffee pot has a relatively low concentration, relatively low sour point, bitter point and alcohol thickness, almost no oil, a light taste, and is usually drunk directly.

1. Strictly speaking, the electric coffee maker includes three types: percolation type, drip type and vacuum type. The percolation coffee pot is the early product of the electric coffee pot, which is cheap, but it is not convenient to use and its reliability is poor. The coffee made by the vacuum electric coffee pot has a strong flavor, but its structure is very complex and prone to failure. Later, the electric coffee maker basically only left the dripping type.

The use of the American drip pot is simple, efficient and reliable, and it is very suitable for home or office use, and the coffee tastes fresh and insipid.

2. The French kettle releases the essence of coffee by soaking. The operation method is also simple, convenient and fast, very easy to master, and is suitable for use in the home or office. The flavor of stewed coffee can be better reflected, and people who do not like coffee filter paper can consider this kind of pot.

3. The operation method of hand-flushing filter cup is also simple, convenient and fast, and the whole set of utensils generally includes hand-flushing pot, filter paper, filter cup and conical pot, which can perfectly reflect the flavor characteristics of coffee and is suitable for people who have high requirements for coffee taste. However, if you are not proficient in coffee powder thickness, water temperature, techniques, etc., it is not recommended to use this kind of coffee pot.

4. The siphon pot is suitable for slightly sour, medium-mellow coffee, the grinding effect is slightly thicker than the powder, close to the special fine granulated sugar. Putting such a coffee pot at home to siphon coffee can make people feel like they are in a coffee shop. Siphon brewed coffee can perfectly extract the aroma of coffee, which is a favorite practice of many coffee lovers.

5. The mocha pot is a tool used to extract espresso, which is divided into two parts: the water is placed in the lower part, and the steam pressure will be generated after boiling, and the boiling water rises through the upper half of the filter pot containing coffee powder; turn down the fire when the coffee flows to the upper half, because if the temperature is too high, the coffee will smell scorched. The operation of this kind of coffee pot is relatively simple and convenient, and the coffee taste is mellow and slightly bitter, which is suitable for friends who like espresso.