Coffee review

Steps for the use of dripping coffee pot in Vietnam

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and find that Vietnam Coffee, which opened a small shop of its own, is probably what we know most about Vietnam, a neighboring country. Vietnam, once a French colony, began to grow coffee around 1860. The unique history has formed the unique flavor and connotation of Vietnamese coffee, in which Vietnam drip coffee pot plays a role.

Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own.

Vietnamese coffee is probably what we know most about Vietnam, a neighboring country. Vietnam, once a French colony, began to grow coffee around 1860. Its unique history has formed the unique flavor and connotation of Vietnamese coffee. Vietnamese coffee pot plays an important role in this, and it is also the most important coffee utensils for Vietnamese coffee. Today, the editor is going to teach you how to use Vietnamese coffee pot.

Coffee pot required: Vietnam dripping coffee pot

Materials required: Vietnamese local coffee, condensed milk (condensed milk is the most important feature of Vietnamese coffee), coffee spoon

Steps for the use of Vietnam dripping coffee pot:

At present, there are two mainstream ways to use the drip coffee pot in Vietnam. One is to put the coffee powder on the sieve and then inject water; the other is to put the coffee powder flat, first inject a small amount of water, so that the coffee powder is in full contact with the water and then screw on the sieve. The second method should pay attention to the amount of water not too much but evenly when injecting water for the first time, otherwise the coffee powder and water will quickly drop into the coffee cup, resulting in more residue in the coffee liquid. Its principle is similar to the first steaming of brewed coffee, where the coffee powder expands and becomes steamed in hot water, helping to extract evenly and efficiently.

Usage of dripping coffee pot in Vietnam

First, disassemble the Vietnamese dripping coffee pot and remove the sieve inside.

Pour condensed milk into the coffee cup and set aside

Third, add the coffee powder to the coffee pot and press it tight, 10 grams to 15 grams per person.

4. Put the coffee pot on the coffee cup and pour a small amount of hot water to soak the coffee powder but not drip it down. This step is also used in follicular coffee. The technical term "steaming" takes about 20 seconds.

After steaming for 5 or 20 seconds, screw on the sieve and pour in 95 °boiling water. The tightness of the sieve rotation will affect the extraction speed and coffee thickness. Usually, the tighter the spin, the longer the extraction time and the stronger the coffee. If the extraction is too slow after water injection, you can use the spoon handle as a screwdriver and loosen the sieve properly.

Six or three minutes later, after all the coffee is dripped into the coffee cup below, the condensed milk and coffee are mixed with a coffee spoon and a cup of unique Vietnamese coffee is extracted.

The use of Vietnamese coffee pots is still very simple, and it is rare to use Vietnamese dripping coffee pots to extract coffee in Japan, where coffee is very popular, but in Vietnam, on the streets, every household can see ordinary Vietnamese using drip coffee pots to slowly filter coffee.