Coffee review

How to use a shared drip coffee machine

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Following caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that leakage coffee machine is a classic drip filter for many coffee lovers who use coffee machine for the first time. It is simple, efficient, reliable and characteristic of drip coffee machine. Today, when time is money, quick and reliable extraction of a cup of coffee is a lot of white.

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Leaky coffee machine is a classic drip filter, many coffee friends use coffee machine for the first time most are drip coffee machine, simple, efficient, reliable, is the characteristics of drip coffee machine, in time is money today, fast and reliable extraction of a cup of coffee is a lot of white-collar MM demand, so drip coffee machine is widely used in families and companies, today we talk about how to use drip coffee machine.

Drip coffee machine in the machine is added to the coffee powder, coffee powder grinding degree will also affect the quality of the extracted coffee, recommended to use finer coffee powder and purified water.

First add purified water in the water tank, then put filter paper and coffee powder in the funnel, one person is a spoonful of coffee powder (about 10 grams) to make coffee for several people, add a few people's water, the next pot has a scale, you can use the next pot when the container volume of water and then pour into the water tank, a few scales is a few people. Because coffee powder absorbs a portion of the water when it drips, add more water than the scale. For example, do 3 people, measure water in the scale 3 or more.

Drip coffee machine steps:

1. Add cold water to the water tank (purified water, which is conducive to extracting high-quality coffee and preventing scale formation in the coffee machine pipeline)

2. Put filter paper in the funnel and add coffee powder.

3. Turn on the power switch

4. Drip from the upper pot to the lower pot, and drink after dripping.