Coffee review

Siphon pot of coffee | there is a hill in everyone's heart.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional barista communication please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) first help people who are not familiar with syphon to popularize the coffee powder hill in the photo, many old masters will say to you: [this is an indicator of whether syphon tastes good or not, practice mixing requires practicing hills] do you feel bluffed? But in fact, the old master also has his reasons, according to KO.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Help people who are not familiar with syphon to popularize science first.

The coffee powder hill in the photo, many old masters used to say to you:

[this is an indicator of whether syphon tastes good or not. To practice mixing, you have to practice the hills first.]

Do you feel bluffed? But in fact, the old master has his reasons.

According to KONO syphon's concept: [finally, stir hard to let the impurities float on the top]

On the other hand, the probability of stirring hard to form hills is also greatly increased, so it is possible to avoid bitter smell.

But of course, there are many ways to avoid bitterness, and there is also a saying that the top water will boil with a big fire at last.

There are also ways to reduce the cooking time and extract the earlier stage.

There are also some methods such as roughening of grinding degree, low temperature extraction and so on.

There are hundreds of methods, but you still have to piece together the best variables according to your own equipment and habits.

But first, let's talk about the upperclassman's own cooking logic.

I usually cook hario syphon without violent mixing.

Only press the coffee powder into the water + 90 degrees extraction + boil for a long time (about 90-100 seconds)

Kono syphon is more violent.

Three-stage stirring + 88-degree extraction + two-stage 30-second extraction

Generally speaking, the fruit acid of hario is more obvious, the front part is fragrant, and the taste is in the middle.

Kono presents the middle and latter part, with a strong and long tail and high sweetness.

Both are equipped with metal filters, so the taste is rich and thick, of course, KONO is more solid.

So when I cook KONO, there are often hills.

So the hills are great.

But my hario has no hills at all.

But it's still delicious.

The hill is positively related to the technique, but not to the flavor.

Don't believe in appearances, just use it as a reference.