Coffee review

Coffee variety: Pacamara (coffee variety:Pacamara)

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Friends who are familiar with coffee may think of El Salvador El Salvador when they hear the Pacamara variety of Pacamara. It seems that Pacamara was born with El Salvador. There is no conclusive evidence that Pacamara is a graft product of two varieties, Pacas and Maragogype, but most people believe that this variety originated in El Salvador. Pacamara pa

[转载]咖啡品种:帕卡玛拉(coffee wbrvariety:Pacamara)

Friends familiar with coffee, hearing the Pacamara variety, may think of El Salvador, it seems that Pacamara was born with El Salvador. Pacamara is a graft of Pacas and Maragogype(elephant bean). There is no conclusive evidence, but most people believe that this variety originally originated in El Salvador.

[转载]咖啡品种:帕卡玛拉(coffee wbrvariety:Pacamara)

The pacamara variety is larger than its parent variety, Maragogype.

[转载]咖啡品种:帕卡玛拉(coffee wbrvariety:Pacamara)

The size of an elephant bean and an average-sized bean

[转载]咖啡品种:帕卡玛拉(coffee wbrvariety:Pacamara)

If the Pacamara variety is grown at high altitudes, it usually performs well in the cup test, with excellent balance, moderate sourness and sweetness, and sometimes a strong floral aroma.