Coffee review

Appliance sharing: [Kalita Wave Dripper] cake cup

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The exchange of professional baristas please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Today, I mainly want to introduce to you a section of equipment with high recognition, commonly known as wavy filter cup and cake filter cup [Kalita Wave Dripper] Kalita is a well-known coffee utensils brand in Japan, founded in Tokyo in 1958. Kalita Wave Dripper, which is popular in recent years, is the company

Professional barista communication, please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style )

Today, I would like to introduce to you a very high recognition, commonly known as "wave filter cup","cake filter cup" equipment [Kalita Wave Dripper]

Kalita is a well-known Japanese brand of coffee utensils, founded in Tokyo in 1958. The Kalita Wave Dripper, which has become popular in recent years, is the exclusive patent of the company. It is a simple and easy-to-use device. Its design appeal is to reduce the influence factors and brewing threshold of the device, so that it can be easily extracted. Therefore, as long as the concept of extraction conditions is correct, it does not need too complicated a method to rush out the good coffee, which is very suitable as the choice of hand brewing.

[Equipment introduction]

Kalitta Wave coffee filter cups are available in size #155 and #185, with the smaller #155 suitable for a cup of coffee and the larger #185 suitable for 2-4 people. KalittaWave coffee filter cups are available in glass and stainless steel, and for #185 there is also a ceramic one.

Kalita Wave Dripper is generally called "wave filter cup", but in fact, the filter cup itself is not wavy, cake cup-shaped wave filter paper is the origin of its name, but also its most easily identifiable features; special shape filter paper, just like the wrinkled edge of the cupcake bottom paper, so some people also call it "cake filter cup".

If we spread out a wave filter paper, we can find that it is a relatively large circular filter paper pressed into a three-dimensional filter paper, a filter paper has a total of 20 wave folds, the use of filter paper creases instead of the special design of the diversion groove, not directly attached to the filter cup, reducing the direct contact area between the paper and the filter cup, but also creating the largest extraction area. On the one hand, it can help the extraction to concentrate, and the hot water can be filtered evenly and smoothly, making the coffee extraction more smooth; on the other hand, it can also slow down the cooling speed.

The filter cup used with wave filter paper is a unique three-hole design. The distance between the three holes just becomes a regular triangle, distributed at the bottom of the flat filter cup, which can evenly drain water. Filter paper and filter cup will not be completely in contact, leaving space to produce steam to extract coffee aroma, but also to keep the water flow smooth, but also less likely to produce miscellaneous flavor.

In addition to the special shape of the texture, the coffee brewed by the wave filter cup tastes mellow and pure. It is an easy choice for beginners and is also loved by many baristas. For example, Erin McCarthy from the United States won the championship with Kalita Wave Filter Cup in the 2013 World Brewer Cup. There are also many coffee shops that use Wave filter cups to present flavor. If you have a chance, you may wish to feel its charm!

Kalita Wave is unique to other filter cups: you don't have to pre-moisten the filter paper to get a good cup of coffee. Erin McCarthy won the 2013World Brewer Cup without pre-wetting filter paper. Kirsten Stamn said in an interview with him: Don't wet the filter paper, because Wave's filter paper is very thin, and omitting this step won't affect the correct taste of the coffee.

If you want to know the detailed brewing tutorial of Kalita Wave Dripper, you can check it out: Hand brewing course: Kalita Wave coffee filter cup hand brewing guide