Coffee review

The hearing impaired roaster made delicious coffee and let the guests leave with a smile.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Communication of professional baristas Please follow Luo Jianqiang, who is hard of hearing in the coffee workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style) to make coffee so that customers can walk out the door with a smile. Different from the hustle and bustle of coffee chains, Braver Cafe, located on Fuxing South Road in Bei Shi City, is relatively quiet. Many guests communicate with sign language, and even order their meals with finger menus, even which coffee to drink.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Luo Jianqiang, the hearing-impaired, carefully made coffee so that customers could walk out the door with a smile.

Different from the hustle and bustle of coffee chains, Braver Cafe, located on Fuxing South Road in North City, is relatively quiet. Many guests communicate in sign language, and even use finger menus to "order" which kind of coffee they drink. because Luo Jianqiang, the boss who is busy in and out of the kitchen, is deaf. Since the cafe opened the year before last, it has trained many loyal customers with delicious and affordable praise. Luo Jianqiang says that patiently making a cup of good coffee and letting each guest leave with a satisfied smile is his original intention to start a business.

Luo Jianqiang has worked in television stations, Olympic preparations for the hearing impaired and other units, and almost all of them are engaged in art design. He laughs that he is old and does not have as many innovative ideas as young people, so he wants to start a business and become a boss. Choose coffee, which you like to drink since junior high school, as your business goal. Luo said that he was influenced by his parents who loved coffee. At first, he thought that coffee tasted bitter, so he liked to add sugar, but after leaving society, he gradually felt that sugar was not suitable for the taste of coffee, so he drank black coffee instead.

Luo Jianqiang said that he once wanted to find a chain coffee shop to join. After the funds and business plans were ready, he told the other party that he was deaf, but a month later he was informed that he had failed the review, and without telling the reason, he decided to go to class and learn to make coffee on his own.

He said that at first, he thought that making coffee was very simple, such as pulling flowers and grinding, but when he came to the bean baking course, he found that the teacher would suddenly change his movements in the course of baking beans, because when he heard the crackling sound, he had to control the temperature and change the steps of baking beans, otherwise the beans would go bad. He could not hear them, and he was very embarrassed at the moment, but the teacher said that factors such as firepower, color, temperature, time and so on could be observed with the eyes, not necessarily by hearing. Luo says that a normal person can tell by listening to his voice that he has to carefully observe other items except sound and try to destroy countless coffee beans for a year and a half before he gets the knack of baking beans.

Luo Jianqiang said that when starting a business, the hearing impaired would worry about how to interact with the guests, so he wrote down the menu clearly and in detail, such as removing ice and adding a little sugar.

Have you ever met Aoke in the process of starting a business? Luo Jianqiang said that in general, coffee shops order orally, and some guests who come to his shop cannot bear to order slowly. Some guests have seen him speak sign language and leave immediately, but this is not an Olympic guest. It is just impatient, and some guests have ordered the wrong coffee. He remakes a cup, the service industry is to serve all guests, he will not feel aggrieved.

Because of the small number of people with disabilities starting their own businesses, Luo suggests that you should find your own interests, don't isolate yourself, have ambition, confidence, and bravely walk into the crowd. Many of the disabled are shy, but hope to get in touch with normal people and help each other.

Hong Shiheng, a customer, said that he would come over for coffee at noon every day, which is cheap and delicious. This shop features relatively quiet, no oral order, and many people with hearing impairment also come to drink. Although they do not communicate with each other in language, it is a suitable place for guests to rest. The environment is very good. Yan Shiqi, a customer, was also a loyal customer. He said that Luo Jianqiang's coffee was particularly delicious and strong, unlike other chain stores with more water. When he first came to consume, he didn't notice that it was opened by a friend with a hearing impairment, and he was a little surprised to use the finger menu. But the shopkeeper's service attitude was very good. Guo Yahui, on the other hand, came to consume for the first time. She said that the atmosphere in the store was warm, and the coffee had the intention of joining the boss. It was delicious.

When the guests order coffee, Luo Jianqiang can only use his fingers to make an introduction.

Luo Jianqiang, the hearing-impaired, carefully made coffee so that customers could walk out the door with a smile.

Because he could not hear the sound of baking beans, Luo Jianqiang could only observe carefully with his eyes.